How to Restore Deluxe Trim Crome

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2007
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Anyone used any good products to restore deluxe trim?

Tried a few things and they did nothing!



They are aluminium not chrome.
What needs doing to them, are they scratched or pitted in anyway.
If you just want to polish up try Autosol (think thats how it's spelt). It's in a tube and can be bought from most car shops.

If you want to remove scrathches or pitting try using very fine wet & dry to remove these. Once your happy use the Autosol to polish back to a shine.

This is what i'm in the process of doing with my Deluxe front grill surround. It's boring as hell but shall be worth it.


Yer they are pitted badly in some places the rest is dull and one window surround is rusted.

I'll try that though mate sounds like a plan for a Sunday if the weather dont go polar on us!
i rubbed and rubbed mine with no joy,then i got some cuting compound and a buffer,taped the trim down to my work bench the rest is simple got a good shine in an hour or so,finish with some wax/ polish to try n keep the shine :wink:
The trim when new is coated in something/somehow which is why it keeps good for so long, and then gets all 'milky*', once that happens it needs hard polishing back to the metal and then either regular repolishing, or recoating.

I left mine a little bit milky so it looks like its been on the van forever. :)

* oxidisation under the coating, I assume.

They have loads of restoration products on their site. I bought one of their polishing kits for 20 quid which contains three different grades polishing wheel with polishing compound to suit.

I've used it on both Ali and Steel and the result is a brilliant, mirror like finish. For the deluxe trim I would threaten it first with some wet, wet and dry to remove any laquer / discolourisation before tackling it with the polishing kit.


A polishing mop kit is what you need. 3 grades of polishing compound and 3 different mops which attach to your drill. Mine cost £25 from a local Motorbike shop. Dirty work but looks great when done.
clyde said:
A polishing mop kit is what you need. 3 grades of polishing compound and 3 different mops which attach to your drill. Mine cost £25 from a local Motorbike shop. Dirty work but looks great when done.

I agree - life's too short for polishing by hand!
