I though my 71 was slow...

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
...but clearly not slow enough. TWO speed fines on the same day! :evil:
BTW, speed indicated is km/h, not mph :wink:


We did just that the french didnt have the stamina nor the funds to continue regardless, followed by the cameras watching the cameras etc....

we instead finally settled on painting them yellow and sticking them where there easily viewed apparently...
The first pic was taken by a pig with a hand-held device (see the crosshairs). They even camouflage themselves sniper-style behind bushes next to the road, awaiting the next poor victim :evil: Second pic was taken by a stationary camera, probably hidden behind an advertising board. Impossible to see before it is to late...

(Should I add, it was the morning I was on my way to church for my own wedding :wink: )
Aw man the sucks....I remember years ago my mate being gunned by a rossa in his Honda vtec with me in a crappy fiesta in hot pursuit (driving a lot quicker at this point), they didnt bother getting me :lol: the cop (funny as fuck remembering it) lept out of this garden from behind a hedge obviously been watching the proffessionals the night before on the box and thought he'd try out his newly acquired moves.... I believe at this point he had drifted off into his imaginary world and really thought he had a Magnum clenched in his fist
twice on the same day and on your way to your wedding :shock: phew. at least you had a good excuse.

we dont have many speed cameras over here, you can count them all on one hand, for a country with a population of 1.8 million. Its the mobile pigs we have to watchout for.
What is the punishment for speeding over there? Is it just a fine or points on your license too?

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