indicators not working

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New member
Feb 11, 2015
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Hi peeps 1st time on forum , I'm having trouble getting my indicators working on my 71 ? It's been apart for a some years but now is going back together but when doing wiring in dash noticed flasher relay missing , now have new one fitted but when turn indicators on no flashers but relay clicking then blows fuse (also no hazards) ? Any help would be grateful as I'm not hot on electrics. Cheers
The circuit diagram at bottom of this post may help:" onclick=";return false;

Does fuse blow when you indicate both right and left - knowing that should reduce the wiring you need to check for a short circuit
Thanks for link slow-lane-matt ,yes fuse blows either way also noticed that light in dash only works one way and brake lights stay on , may be switch ? (Not check that yet)

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