Leaking ICT 34s

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user 20733

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
I had my carbs tuned today by the genius who is Bob. He also teaches at Type 2 Detectives. My bus is now running so much better! He also fitted a fuel regulator and a Bosch dizzy with vacuum, replacing my electronic 009 (for sale if anyone wants it). The problem I have is that once the engine is switched off, I sometimes get a little fuel leak around the back of the carbs. It is not nearly as bad as before the fuel regulator was fitted.

Is my next step replacing carb gaskets? Can I fit them without undoing all Bob's good work?


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Could it be leaking on the gasket between the carb and manifold? Easier to change, and if your carefull re linkage, should all go back o,k. If its carb gaskets, then I think you maybe undoing the good work. ould it be a sticky float? I'm no carb expert tho, hopefully someone will chime in.
Got a mirror out today and checked around the back of both carbs. Looks like it could be leaking from around the spindle area. I can move the spindles up and down a little bit and they do gurgle after a while of being switched off still - even after fitting a regulator. Is this the sign of dead carbs? The don't seem to leak whilst running.

You may have already checked this , but just cured a leak on my 34s
One of the four screws that holds the diaphram on had been over tightened so the head of the screw had dug into the ally carb body. This meant that the screw had bottomed out in the hole before it had tightened. This cause a leak around the diaphram body .I put a washer on the screw head, tightened, and leak gone.
Thanks - I will have a look. I spoke to Eurocarb and they suggested worn float valve as sometimes I can hear gurgling in both carbs.
I spoke to Eurocarb and they suggested worn float valve

I had this on mine, have a sniff of your oil and check it doesn't smell of petrol. Mine filled my sump with petrol twice. (misdiagnosed leaking fuel pump diaphragm first time :roll: ) I believe this happens when these carbs run with too much fuel pressure.
I'm told the best way to test for fuel in your oil is to dip your oil and then (well away from bus) put a match to end of dipstick ! I tried, it worked, very small flame but no dispute about presence of fuel in oil. No idea why fuel got there, but changed fuel pump to lower pressure , and alls well.
Well, I took the plunge and had both carbs off this evening. I was careful not to move mixture screws etc and replaced top and bottom gaskets (looks like someone had tried to re-use old ones with some sort of sealant) fuel filters, float valves/seats as well as the diaphragm on the side (that looked stretched compared to the new one). I will try to give her a run tomorrow evening to see if they leak. Fingers crossed. It did look like the top gasket had been breached as it was wet through when I took it apart.

Also, the replacement needle valve seats had extra holes in them not like the ones I took out. I am presuming these are ok as the rebuild kit came from Eurocarb...

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Took the bus out for a quick blast and so far no leak. Was a pain to start but once going seemed ok. Fingers crossed.

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It leaked :roll:

Looks like the spindles are worn. Off to Eurocarb when I get some money together. I will just turn down the fuel regulator as far as I can for now.

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