Fuel leak

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all, I wonder if you can provide some suggestions.
I have owned my crew cab for over 10 yrs, and in all that time I have not had any fuel leak (that I am aware of).

Recently, I dropped the van into a garage to get a disk brake conversion on front, and also electronic ignition fitted. When I collected a few weeks ago, I was told that the electronic ignition was fitted but them removed as the unit was faulty, so reverted back to old unit (points) and I will return to get it done another time. On the way home I filled up with petrol and put the van away in garage, which is in a block 50 yrds away from house.
Yesterday, my neighbour who's garage is next to mine mentioned that there was a very strong smell of petrol, and upon opening my garage door the smell was almost overwhelming! The van has been standing unused for 2/3 weeks. So, my question (eventually), is, could the work required to install / uninstall electronic ignition have somehow interfered with fuel supply and / or caused a leak? I ask because I can say categorically that there was definitely no leak before I dropped the van off.

It is so strong that I am concerned about starting the engine and driving to a local (different) mechanic to investigate, and was wondering whether I it would be better to call out the RAC first to see if the van is safe to start / drive.

Any helpful opinions appreciated.

Forgot to add, at the time that the work was carried out, a service & MOT was also done, with no indication of any fuel issue. That is why I was curious as to whether it could be caused by the last step in the whole process, i.e. removing the faulty electronic ignition and reverting to original distributor / points.
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If the old fuel lines - the rubber hose sections - are getting old and cracked, then they can fail at any point and yes, simply moving them to work in the engine bay could cause the final fracture - its not a direct fault of the mechanic though in most cases.
Please dont start the van up until its been checked and fixed. If in any doubt get all the rubber hose sections replaced with ethanol friendly fuel hose.
I’m checking mine almost every time I look in the noisey cupboard. There’s also other pipes that return fuel vapour on some systems and these need checking too, then there’s the fuel filler pipe from the fuel tank to the fuel cap. These all need checking / changing fairly regularly. More importantly, you may also want to check your oil level as there can be an issue with fuel continuing or over fuelling through your carbs after shutting the motor off and contaminating your oil. If this is the case then do not run your motor, sniff your dip stick first as a rough check then check your oil level. Im having issues with mine right now doing exactly this same thing but it didn’t manifest until I fuelled up on the way home and put forty quids worth in. I’ve got twin Webbers and these are notorious for this. I’ve just ordered two rebuild kits and new air filters and I’ll wait until I’ve sorted this then change the oil.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,what carbs are you running ? :)
Thanks for your informative responses. I cannot say that I have checked/changed fuel hoses during my ownership, so perhaps as you suggest Clem the recent work was just just final straw and they were about to go anyway. I have just checked the garage/van again, having been out all day, and smell just as strong. Will just have to leave it until I get a day off later in the week and get the RAC out to check if it is okay to drive a few miles to local mechanic. Looks like it could be new hoses all round.

Thanks for the info. (Will also check oil as suggested.)
Have you had a look ? Is there a fuel stain or puddle on the floor left side right side ? Looked in engine bay at hoses?
If you are not able to completely change the fuel pipe from tank to the carb then best not drive it to a garage and let them do it. Best idea as above, get it trailered there.
It may be something else not the fuel lines but until someone gets underneath and looks carefully you won’t know.