Martin Dorey

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Staff member
Oct 5, 2006
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Remember Martin Dorey off the telly? I enjoyed his tv programme and remember that it was well received on this forum, but other forums were not so kind to him. Anyway, I read this blog entry by him the other day, and thought it was quite touching, so thought Id share it -" onclick=";return false;

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I only know him from his TV stuff and his books, which have done a lot to popularise our hobby and are great fun.

But I know enough to say 'well done' for living his dream (aren't we all slightly envious when we watch the TV stuff), and now I understand the hidden meaning behind that dream (and there my envy ends). Thanks Clem.

What's not to like about Martin Dorey? :D
nice fella, i share a few 'tweets' with him and i've linked this page to him, he still pops up on the latebay now and then, hopefully he'll read my tweet and pop by.
I loved watching his series, couldn't understand some people's negative comments, guess they're just jealous.
He needs an earlybay though :mrgreen:
There can't be a parent reading that article without a lump in their throat.... :cry:

I like the guy, I like his TV programmes and I think he's good for the scene... but yeah, he needs an early! :D
Good re-post Mike
I think he comes across really well and many of his blog posts touch a nerve in just the right way. And he suffers the breakdowns & joys of ownership just like the rest of us

There are so many organisations fighting for a donation but kids & those who support their families cope like Helen House in my part of the world will always get my support no matter how small it seems
just read the blog - wow - a true fighter. shows how precious life is and certainly shouldnt be wasted slagging people off
Martins a fab guy , i first met him when he was writing the 1st book , i spent a day with him & his family while my split was being photographed im lucky enough to say ive kept in touch with him over the years , i dont undertand why "other forums" would make him unwelcome , pretty sad me thinks :(

It's thing like this that make you forget how fragile life can be. :cry:

I follow him on Twitter and the like, and enjoy his blogs, and try to emulate the cooking! He is local to me, and lives down the road! :lol: I do on occasion see him out and about in his late bay


70 Westy said:
Martins a fab guy , i first met him when he was writing the 1st book , i spent a day with him & his family while my split was being photographed im lucky enough to say ive kept in touch with him over the years , i dont undertand why "other forums" would make him unwelcome , pretty sad me thinks :(

Lots of preconceptions about what's the "right" way to be a camper owner I guess... people get into them for lots of reasons. I wonder if in a scene that likes to view itself as quite cool and edgy whether the rather gentle tone of Martin didn't seem "hard as nails" enough for some folk?

Loved the book though, loved the series (and yeah, everything beginning with C is now prefixed by Campervan thanks to Martin) and having read that thread about his daughter being ill (I've got two kids and my heart lurched as I read it) I just think that he's a really good ambassador for "the scene", whatever it is... and admire him for getting out there and doing what he does. It certainly looks like he's having a lot more fun than a lot of people are a lot more of the time.

Good on him!
fire3500 said:
70 Westy said:
Martins a fab guy , i first met him when he was writing the 1st book , i spent a day with him & his family while my split was being photographed im lucky enough to say ive kept in touch with him over the years , i dont undertand why "other forums" would make him unwelcome , pretty sad me thinks :(

Lots of preconceptions about what's the "right" way to be a camper owner I guess... people get into them for lots of reasons. I wonder if in a scene that likes to view itself as quite cool and edgy whether the rather gentle tone of Martin didn't seem "hard as nails" enough for some folk?

Loved the book though, loved the series (and yeah, everything beginning with C is now prefixed by Campervan thanks to Martin) and having read that thread about his daughter being ill (I've got two kids and my heart lurched as I read it) I just think that he's a really good ambassador for "the scene", whatever it is... and admire him for getting out there and doing what he does. It certainly looks like he's having a lot more fun than a lot of people are a lot more of the time.

Good on him!

Loved the series and love his book!!
Thanks for reposting Clem.
Martins well liked in our house, we always reach for his recipes when camping so as to avoid bbq burger & sausage every day. Hadn't heard of CLIC Sargent charity, I will be donating to them in future. Reading Martins story is one of those moments that puts life into perspective.
Great post Clem. After recovering my composure, I completely understand what he means about the hope that the van brings. We're hopefully coming out the end of something similar with our daughter, and although not cancer, a serious condition has led to her spending 4 of the last 6 months in Sheffield children's hospital, us selling our house and moving into rented accommodation closer to the hospital.

With the bills ( and negative equity!) mounting up, the easy way out would have been to sell the van, but for all of us, especially my daughter it's become a bit of a beacon of hope that life will get back to normal and that we'll be able to get out and about camping and do the things we used to do as a family.

Although she's still got a long road ahead, and will have treatment for the rest of her life, She's been out of hospital for 4 weeks now, last week went to school for the first time since July and we've bought tickets for next years Camper Jam, so we can't sell the van now :D

Just a quick plug for Barnsley Children's ward, and sheffield children's hospital, the NHS is a truly amazing and precious thing, and despite all it's faults and politicians using it as a political football, we're lucky to have it.

With her getting better, I also may get on here a bit more!

What's not to like about Martin Dorey?


Chris73 said:
Just a quick plug for Barnsley Children's ward, and sheffield children's hospital

Seconded here, that place is amazing, it's our local Children's specialist hospital & have used it for my eldest.

All the best with your Daughter.

Everybody has their own reasons for owning a VW, when the "Cool Police" start to dictate the scene, well then they have missed the point & are just a little bit sad...........

Martin has made some great TV & has introduced a wider public to Campervan ownership, maybe that's just "not cool" for some..

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Chris73 said:
With her getting better, I also may get on here a bit more!



Wow. Hope things go from strength to strength for you all. Heres to 2013! 8)
gotta love the Dorey, i've got all the books etc. seeing his TV prog is what convinced me to bite the bullet and buy a bus, looking forward one day to going to Gordale scar as a result of watching his series, now i like him even more for reading the story and totally emphasize with him, spent the best part of my childhood visiting my brother at great Ormond street, waiting and hoping for the day he got better. luckily hes 30 now and lives state side.

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