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Well-known member
May 26, 2011
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After just over a year of tinkering and faffing about my van is finally booked in for her first mot on Tuesday. Must say I'm terrified with the thought of driving her on the public roads for the first time, will she even get there ?
Lol I know what your saying I felt the same with mine. Your confidence will build in your bus the more u drive it
Hope it goes through the mot ok
Cheers Shiplee, my first drive when I got it was scary :shock: it had a 14" wheel with low profile tyre and a Mercedes 15" van wheel on the front, no brakes, and it wouldn't idle
Same as Marco. Mine had poor brakes, a sticking throttle, no idle, and a sticking handbrake. Plenty of stripping cleaning and greasy hands and its quite pleasant to drive now. MOTs are a worrying time but I am sure it will be fine. Good luck
Up nice and early (not that I'm excited or anything :D )
Good luck, but can i be a party pooper and say i've no idea why people get so wound up about the mot, i mean it's a basic safety check - i'd rather know my bus wasn't gonna kill me or others if things i missed are dangerous, i'm fairly mechanical minded so i always approach an mot after doing 95% of the test procedure myself, i'll also "befriend" a garage i know aren't petty - i once got a fail for a blocked washer jet many years ago and vowed to do all i could from that day on to get the pass 1st go, the only parts you can't really check yourself without a bit of help are the brake efficiency and emmisions (and yours are visual only on earlies?) i got a pass last month with no advisories but a tap on the shoulder from the tester saying "one of your ball joints is worn - but you knew that right?" i did as i'd changed the boot for the mot and packed it with grease to take up the slack :lol: it will be done before the next test - probably at techenders in september if i can be arsed.
rickyrooo1 said:
Good luck, but can i be a party pooper and say i've no idea why people get so wound up about the mot, i mean it's a basic safety check - i'd rather know my bus wasn't gonna kill me or others if things i missed are dangerous, i'm fairly mechanical minded so i always approach an mot after doing 95% of the test procedure myself, i'll also "befriend" a garage i know aren't petty - i once got a fail for a blocked washer jet many years ago and vowed to do all i could from that day on to get the pass 1st go, the only parts you can't really check yourself without a bit of help are the brake efficiency and emmisions (and yours are visual only on earlies?) i got a pass last month with no advisories but a tap on the shoulder from the tester saying "one of your ball joints is worn - but you knew that right?" i did as i'd changed the boot for the mot and packed it with grease to take up the slack :lol: it will be done before the next test - probably at techenders in september if i can be arsed.

;) Agreed.
The last MOT I took mine in for the tester knackered the gear stick trying to get it in reverse off the ramp - and failed it, fixed it, charged me £150 to put it back together and then retested :( - whilst i agree that you can pretty much do the prep yourself, and I agree with the need for an MOT - the standard of garages mean that it's never a forgone conclusion.....hence always nervousness beforehand and relief!

I'm also getting fed up with my OG undersell being scratched off and screwdriver dents in my arches as they seem hellbent on finding rot that doesn't exist!
Failed :( o/s balljoint and n/s headlamp beam image obviously incorrect (mot man's description) and cab floor corroded and a few little bits. Not too bad, already got balljoints, just need a headlamp bowl and some patches for the floor. Didn't think it would fail on floor, my mini used to have bigger holes :mrgreen:
I agree rickyroo, just it's her first test ever and she was nervous about being poked and prodded.
marco said:
Failed :( o/s balljoint and n/s headlamp beam image obviously incorrect (mot man's description) and cab floor corroded and a few little bits. Not too bad, already got balljoints, just need a headlamp bowl and some patches for the floor. Didn't think it would fail on floor, my mini used to have bigger holes :mrgreen:

What reason for rejection wording did they use for the cab floor? :)
Tofufi said:
marco said:
Failed :( o/s balljoint and n/s headlamp beam image obviously incorrect (mot man's description) and cab floor corroded and a few little bits. Not too bad, already got balljoints, just need a headlamp bowl and some patches for the floor. Didn't think it would fail on floor, my mini used to have bigger holes :mrgreen:

What reason for rejection wording did they use for the cab floor? :)

" o/s front(floorpan around pedals) suspension component mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded "
rickyrooo1 said:
could be worse then, biggest job balljoints - how many did it fail on?
Just one, he did mark it as dangerous :shock:
marco said:
Tofufi said:
marco said:
Failed :( o/s balljoint and n/s headlamp beam image obviously incorrect (mot man's description) and cab floor corroded and a few little bits. Not too bad, already got balljoints, just need a headlamp bowl and some patches for the floor. Didn't think it would fail on floor, my mini used to have bigger holes :mrgreen:

What reason for rejection wording did they use for the cab floor? :)

" o/s front(floorpan around pedals) suspension component mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded "

My mates an MOT tester im sure he mentioned with that it would be the within 12" of a critical mounting point so front beam/steering box etc

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