Movember 2012

Early Bay Forum

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sparkywig said:
Day 5


Don't worry about the grey hairs Graham.....

Very Star Trek esque pose there sparky :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
lmao mark keep at ill post a pic tomorrow of mine after a good scrape ;)

Mutha tucker ....chopper read in the house :msn4:

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Movember the 7th" onclick=";return false;

:lol: :lol:
Now that's funny.
I'm not even bothering putting an update pic until at least the 14th as I think it's now growing inwards ;)
I think my tach needs to harden the f**k up :lol:

Mark(and his granny bum hair top lip)
Just sent my donation through for this good cause. I'll post a piccie of my "womb broom" shortly as I only started it on Tuesday. A couple of Movembers ago I flew from Sydney to Melbourne and every bloke on the plane had a mo. once we reached Melbourne, with its high Greek population, half the women did too!

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