Hi All,
Thanks again for all the great comments.
Been pretty busy over the weekend, managed to cut out the centre belly pan and thankfully it was not hiding any major horrors!
Mostly it was just minor patches of surface rust. When I removed the lagging from the centre heater tube I was also pleased to find this intact with some parts of it completely clean bare metal like new. The only area requiring attention here is the metal tube that holds the wiring, this had rusted quite badly towards the front of the van with several parts of it crumbled away. As this is not structural however, and not wanting to remove the whole loom just to replace it, I am most probably just going to cut off the rotten lower half (carefully) at the affected area to neaten it up, before clamping a new shaped piece of metal back over it, as obviously welding would melt the wiring inside.
After wire brushing the whole centre chassis section and spraying it with a coat of POR Metal Ready, it was looking like this:
The orange remnants of the surface rust should cure black by the time I get back to it..... just in time for a coat of POR 15.
Also started on the O/S/F outrigger and jacking point - to start with it looked like this:
After cutting it looked like this:
Unfortunately I couldn't get cracking with the welder as I hadn't planned on replacing the top hat too - but as you will see in the picture the front outer end of it was rotten too, so before I can weld on the new out rigger I have to wait for the top hat repair panel to arrive.... the sills will be getting replaced also but I've left those in place for the moment as a reference to ensure that when I put the new top hat in that it is the correct length and in the right place......... more on that next weekend!