Not sure if I am the only one but I joined EarlyBay from the get-go (minus a few days) but my joined date now shows 2019.
What gives?
Anyone else got the wrong joined date or is it just me? is a thread where you were locked out and needed help getting back in the forum. It appears to be the same date that is showing as your joined date.
I will ask the head tech if the software picked up on that, or can he look around to see what may be the issue.
Not sure if I am the only one but I joined EarlyBay from the get-go (minus a few days) but my joined date now shows 2019.
What gives?
Anyone else got the wrong joined date or is it just me?
@gninnamag I see how to fix your account. I see you had a different version from 2006 and needed help in 2019. I'll send you a private conversation about fixing it.