My Space

Early Bay Forum

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never to be seen again! gone, nuffink, legged it ands its goodnight from him..............
Yeah, bit weird him just dissapearing like that?!

You've already got my myspaz dude lol :)
Who knows? probably lowered his bus so much he disapeared :lol:
im unsociable and have my profile set to private :D
easy - can't get your website to work, but I too know the name you are on about. Good to see all that fame and fortune hasn't gone to his head!!
Hey olance, thats mainly cos Im an idiot and put the wrong address :oops: :oops:

the correct one is !!

Sorry dudes! :oops:
i figured it out. I think i saw you lot play at ashton court you know. i didn't leave til 2000 and used to go every year. last one i saw was when the wurzles played. brilliant! It's all a little hazy now!
Yea that was probably us. Our last year there, I was in a Polar bear costume :shock: We headlined the ampitheatre stage, and I think Skunk Anansie were on the other. Great year, great times :D
no myspace here, but thats some good music....I had a rock-a-billy band years ago, recorded a 2 song CD demo over at Mike Gibbons house (drummer for Badfinger R.I.P )