You are right Araon but I'm not going down that small claims route. My bus is a 40 year old British bus with 10 previous owners and a history of being bodged and it would be difficult to precisely point the finger and attribute blame. I just know that the work I paid for was to a low standard. He did the work I asked for, I naively accepted it and paid for it. It' easy to be swayed by shiny paint and maybe he honestly thought that he'd done an ok job. I only realise now that I'm better informed and now that a decent craftsman is working on my bus that the work was substandard. I'll put it down to experience and I believe that positive reinforcement i.e. bigging up people who do a really good job is the way forward. Two new aircooled businesses (both good) have started up in Worthing, there's a reason for this and BW will lose customers as a result. Incidentally BW changed ownership 3 years ago and the previous owner had a rather better reputation.