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Hi Kevin, what a super looking panel, I`m afraid I only know a couple of words in Maltese and I am pretty sure they are swear words that I learned as a kid in Aussie land. Lots of Maltese peeps over there, actually there is lots of peeps from every corner of the world there, that`s what makes it a great place. Looks like the picture might be at a V Dub event of some description,, or you can tell me they are all yours :mrgreen: Then I can be jealous forever and a day :p So thanks for sharing the picture with us and don`t be shy about putting up anymore,, especially if you go somewhere, they are my favourites. Say hello to Goza for me :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Malta,,,,, Hhhhhmmm,,,, it`s warm there :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
Hehe, most foreigners I know can swear in Maltese :lol: Yes over here is quiet warm, in fact we mostly go camping in winter as opposed to you guys. I wish they were all mine but sadly no. I sold my 66 beetle when I got the van, funds where tight, so it had to go.

The pic was taken at a local charity event which takes place every year. Loads of different brands of cars, but we always have the biggest group. Last year we where 45 between vans,beetles ans type3 's.

I will say hi to Gozo :) hopefully I'm going there soon for a weekend camping.

Wish I lived closer so I could come to shows with you guys :?
Hello fellow bus folk!

Well it's been an eventful start to bus ownership... but I'll start with a bit of my background. I'll be honest, I'm a Jap car fan boy - I like going fast, making lots of noise and turning a few heads... an attention seeker I guess!

My passion for cars started with a Rover Coupe 1600. By no means quick, but I fell in love with the styling from a young age, and always knew I wanted one:


Soon though, the lack of power meant an upgrade was on the cards, and after the 1600 got written off by a lousy driver in a Merc, I purchased a 2.0 litre turbo Coupe.


It started off life like this:


And ended up like this:


After finishing Uni, I needed something a bit more reliable for the daily commute, so the Rover went, and a 200sx filled it's spot on the drive:


It was an awesome car, very quick and just took so much abuse. But again, being an 'older' car, it wasn't great for relying on daily; but my biggest bug bear was it being savagely loud, super stiff and shite in the winter. As such, it went to make way for something a bit more practical for the commute:


Unfortunately, the VXR just didn't float my boat - was just too modern and soft for my liking. So when this went recently the hunt was on for something that ticked all my boxes. I've recently moved house so am in the fortunate position that my commute is now a walk, meaning I could go back to having a 'toy' that lives in the garage.

After a long search and discussions with the Mrs, we made the decision to look for a camper as a joint car. I bought a cheap Clio Sport to satisfy my craving for B road blasts and the hunt for a camper began. After seeing some right nails and being massively disappointed with the for sale section at Busfest, we found what we were looking for... and here is the beast!


No name as yet, but we have a list as long as my arm of bits to get sorted. The main selling point for us was how clean it is underneath - it has had a lot of work getting it structural, and a proper under sealing.

Our journey home was an eventful one, I thought my SX had stiff suspension, but this is on a new level of discomfort! Good old Mr TomTom took us down mile after mile of single carriage country roads, where anything at more than walking pace and I feared something was going to break in a bad way... Anyway, it made it back, despite my anger at the other half for actually following the shatnav, and not her instincts, and it has been tucked away in the garage since.

I was told to watch out for the starter being a bit lazy by the previous owner, and low and behold, last weekend I went to start it, and it would only crank very very slowly. Off came the starter and it went off to be refurbed, along with a new bush. Popped it back in on Friday, and it made no difference! (That'll learn me for not just carrying out my own tests). I swapped the battery out with my Clio, and it started instantly... What a twat.

So, as I wanted an excuse to drive it this weekend, I loaded it up with some crap that needed to go to the tip, and off we pottered. Lovely to have it running again, and I love the attention you get in it! :D

Now, on the drive home, I noticed a squeaking noise that seemed to match the rotational speed, coming from the drivers front wheel. I put it down to something rubbing and put off taking a look straight away... how I wish I had. On our way to the tip, the squeaking noise turned into the odd clunking noise, and once on the main road, my ignorance kicked my ass. There was a loud bang and the bus suddenly veered to the left. Fortunately I caught it and managed to pull the van to the side of the road. Fortunately, I was opposite my work, and managed to limp it in to the workshop where I could dismantle it to see what was going on. To be honest, for a van with a long MOT, I was a bit staggered as to what I found:



The inner cages were just 2 rings of metal and a load of shards, and most of the rollers were mishapen - the worst being the 2 lumps in the pic which are actually made up of 2 or 3 rollers that have melted together! How it got a MOT with a clearly failing bearing, I do not know...

But anyway, that's where we're up to - I love working on the bus, and can't wait to get this sorted and back on the road again.

James and Elspeth
Hi Folks,

Long time lurker first time poster!

Have my first Bay window camper coming from California in the next month or two. It is 1970 Westy with OG Beige paint. To say i'm excited is an understatement :D

I'm based in N.Ireland so importing a van was a no-brainer. They're fairly thin on the ground over here as far as sales go.

I need to start preping the van to get it through MOT. I believe I have to re-configure the lights to UK spec? Perhaps somebody has a link to a good guide or could share some advice?

Cheers and I'll be sure to stick a few photos up when it arrives! 8)
Hello There Early Bayers...

Picked up our first bus at the weekend ... 1972 Early Bay crossover .... Christened by my wife as Rubyblu.


Just spent the day draining the old fuel out and fitting an electronic fuel pump, she was last run 12 months ago and been stood since .... This is the fuel we bled out....


Sadly not enough fuel in to get the pump to work but it turned over beautifully and following a squirt of fuel into the Twin Choke Weber Carb and she purred... Even for a few seconds it was beautiful.

Got plenty to keep me going but now got a garage full of bits to sort through! Will stick a project post up when I have got more pics.
Hi all

Been lurking on here for a while and finally taken the plunge and bought a 72 Crossover bay.

Found on Preloved and collected from Nottingham:

The photos flatter the bus as it needs some work. Bodywork tidying and new interior mainly. It'll be a slow project, but not in any rush.

Adds nicely to my collection, including a 71 Squareback, 02 T4 and 83 Eriba Puck. :D

Hello <waves meekly while looking nervous> :)

Been lurking for a while but not posted before.

We're looking for a bay, I'd quite like a crossover but we shall see. I have decided that we ARE going to get one, I am not going to be practical or sensible anymore, and I'm going to sell half the contents of our house in order to get one, up to and including the dog and the husband! ;)

I know I'd like a RHD as concentrating while driving with 2 kids fighting in the back is one thing, but doing it on the wrong side of the vehicle could be one complication too many. Ideally I'd like one with no interior so I can build it (yes I have a thing for power tools too!) but it would have to be pretty solid as I'm not doing welding or paintwork!

Any advice or suggestions gratefully appreciated. You can read our story on my blog.
It don`t sound like you can really pull it off do it ! The Meekly bit anyhow :lol: Good luck with the right hand drive rust free jobbie, they is rocking horse stuff right now unless you is up for top dollar. Most of the RHD stuff that has lived in the UK for 40 plus years of salty roads and even just the rain has had a right hard time staying rust free. Maybe an Aussie or S.A. import will be more up to what you want, but again it`s top dollar stuff. That`s why the LHD stuff is so popular as it`s had half a chance of avoiding the brown metal termites by living in a warmer climate like Texas or Arizona etc etc. But good luck with the search and don`t be frightened to ask here before you buy,,, but plenty of close up pics, read the rebuild threads so that you have an idea of what to photo, maybe get someone close to have a look for you,,, maybe :mrgreen: Great user name, so great things are expected :shock: :shock: :shock:
NickBab, 1ncognito, DorothyMantooth, Moseley and Boudica,, big big welcome to all of you ,,,,,,loving the blue as well,,,,,, enjoy things here, relax, ask away and join in, a lot are looking for the crossers at the moment because of those weirdy things on them called brakes I beleive. Bit of a rough start for you Moseley but you ain`t exactly a newbie to these old charactors from what we can see. Good time of the year now for them still looking, now and Chrimbo time and New Year that`s where the bargains are at methinks ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,So Big Welcome and try and get to our Chrimble meet :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hello All,
We're new to the forum having just bought beautiful Dita, a 1971 American Import and wanted to say hi. Not doing particularly well getting photos to the right size to upload on here but you can see her on the below link;;95D61787-0B78-475A-92E3-FD253E3F5032" onclick=";return false;

Sorry to start out with a question but I've posted separately on another board about registering imports as we're lacking the original US title which seems like it might be a bit of an issue registering her here in the UK, any advice hugely appreciated. Cheers
Hi Drewster, welcome to the forum matey and glad you found us :p Send Graham L on here a PM and if anyone knows what to do and how to do it I`m sure he`ll be the one, OH how he`ll thank me when he reads this :lol: There are a few threads dotted about the place on how to do the photo thingy,, and even I can do it which tells you it`s simple.

ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enjoy your stay,,, you`re here for keeps :shock: :lol: :shock:
I am new here and join this community for getting useful information and knowledge from other community members. I am a tourist and want to know some useful tips and some beautiful places of the world and want to find out good friends i found this community is highly interesting.
I wanted to say hello to every here. This site sure is a great resource that I am planning on taking full advantage of. My family owns and 1969 Single Cab that my father originally purchased the truck in 1970 and I am now on the quest to fix it up over the next few years. I sure am glad I found this site!
Good Morning! I'm new to your site, going to explore a bit and then perhaps someone can direct me to a specifications page.
annamarie58 said:
Good Morning! I'm new to your site, going to explore a bit and then perhaps someone can direct me to a specifications page.

might want to narrow that down a bit there bloody hundreds of different bits and pieces and vans and busses and interiors etc etc :D
Hi all, new to this site. Me and my wife are looking for our first camper and are looking for any advice from your experiences as possible to ensure we get the right one!

I'm not scared of a small project... Note the 'small' in that :lol:

We have about £6-7000 to spend at the moment. I live just south of London, but will travel to see anything that sounds good! So if we could get a sweet looking bay on the road for that then I'm happy.

Being a complete novice, I'd welcome any advice! Thanks!
Andyroo said:
Hi all, new to this site. Me and my wife are looking for our first camper and are looking for any advice from your experiences as possible to ensure we get the right one!

I'm not scared of a small project... Note the 'small' in that :lol:

We have about £6-7000 to spend at the moment. I live just south of London, but will travel to see anything that sounds good! So if we could get a sweet looking bay on the road for that then I'm happy.

Being a complete novice, I'd welcome any advice! Thanks!

Hi Andy,

With the market as it is that will get you a great project.
Have a word with Graham L on here ;) ...... And welcome. :D

Paul.;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bTIxYWcwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA1ZJUFVLMDZfODg-/SIG=12hmao3sa/EXP=1382223629/**http%3a//" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Myvanway said:
Andyroo said:
Hi all, new to this site. Me and my wife are looking for our first camper and are looking for any advice from your experiences as possible to ensure we get the right one!

I'm not scared of a small project... Note the 'small' in that :lol:

We have about £6-7000 to spend at the moment. I live just south of London, but will travel to see anything that sounds good! So if we could get a sweet looking bay on the road for that then I'm happy.

Being a complete novice, I'd welcome any advice! Thanks!

Hi Andy,

With the market as it is that will get you a great project.
Have a word with Graham L on here ;) ...... And welcome. :D

Paul.;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bTIxYWcwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA1ZJUFVLMDZfODg-/SIG=12hmao3sa/EXP=1382223629/**http%3a//" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Thanks Paul will do!

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