Well I bin an dun it..............
For all you people out there who found it hard to get good work done at a resonable rate, somewhere you can ring and get information free, somewhere you can find guys willing to put themselfs out to help, where you can order parts, get your van MOT'ed, checked over, welding work done all with a smile and a happy atitude, then I wont to see you heading for my door.
We are located at Unit 25, Marsh Farm, Hill Street (Blues) Hilperton, Wiltshire, BA14 7PJ.
Company name "VW Endangered Species."
Most of you guys and girls know me, I run straight ship, in it to make a living not to relieve you of as much cash as I can, so you can book you vehicle in with confidence the bill will be as small as I can make it.
Labour rate is £30 hr, no VAT at the moment!
After being asked so many times to do this, I and my lovely lady have gone in head first, so come on all you people in Wiltshire, support us and help us to continue for many years to come, you wont be sorry.
If you need work done on you car or van, then book it in now to give us a chance to survive.
This will only work with your help.
Phone line is waiting to be connected but you can call me at home in the evening for the moment, until I have the work No.
Tel:- 01225-767856 ask for Ang or Ron, (Rocket)0r 07813947415
I have vans, I love vans, working on my Nov 67 Westfalia tin top, this bus will be a stocker, used mostly NOS parts.
Even if you don't need any work done, then pop in for a coffee and have a chat, if I have time to that is, (I will)
Wish us luck...........
Ron & Ang.
For all you people out there who found it hard to get good work done at a resonable rate, somewhere you can ring and get information free, somewhere you can find guys willing to put themselfs out to help, where you can order parts, get your van MOT'ed, checked over, welding work done all with a smile and a happy atitude, then I wont to see you heading for my door.
We are located at Unit 25, Marsh Farm, Hill Street (Blues) Hilperton, Wiltshire, BA14 7PJ.
Company name "VW Endangered Species."
Most of you guys and girls know me, I run straight ship, in it to make a living not to relieve you of as much cash as I can, so you can book you vehicle in with confidence the bill will be as small as I can make it.
Labour rate is £30 hr, no VAT at the moment!
After being asked so many times to do this, I and my lovely lady have gone in head first, so come on all you people in Wiltshire, support us and help us to continue for many years to come, you wont be sorry.
If you need work done on you car or van, then book it in now to give us a chance to survive.
This will only work with your help.
Phone line is waiting to be connected but you can call me at home in the evening for the moment, until I have the work No.
Tel:- 01225-767856 ask for Ang or Ron, (Rocket)0r 07813947415
I have vans, I love vans, working on my Nov 67 Westfalia tin top, this bus will be a stocker, used mostly NOS parts.
Even if you don't need any work done, then pop in for a coffee and have a chat, if I have time to that is, (I will)
Wish us luck...........
Ron & Ang.