New York

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
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Anyone on here living in New York?
I'm on my way on the 10th can't wait :D

Pack your thermals! I went in January one year and it was ffffreeeeezing!

You'll absolutely love it.. I advise you go up the Empire State and pay the extra $20 or so to go up even higher to the very top. No crowd, better unobstructed views, heating. I went up and spent nearly 2 hours there watching day turn to night.

Also; go to MoMA and the Natural History Museum. For the latter you can easily spend more than a full day in there and not see it all (I reckon I saw about 70% of it :lol: )

Not sure going to the wee island with the big, green, french lady (Statue of Liberty) was worth it as I didn't have tickets to go up inside it so only saw it from the foot.

Oh, and it costs a s**t load but: go on a helicopter flight. $300 for 15 minutes or something is way over the top but it was amazing.

Last up; walk everywhere. Or more acurately; take the subway somewhere in the morning and walk the way back over the course of the day. Hidden gems all over the city waiting for you to stumble upon.

Have an awesome time!!
Thanks guys were so excited to be going
Yeah gvee the plan was as you said but get the bus as the mrs won't go on the subway so we will be doing a lot of walking,eating,drinking more walking and lots more eating and drinking

Ill post pics upon our return hopefully find an Earlybay or two

Blog posts from NY:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Good luck spotting any bays! I didn't see a single one in 3 months of travelling :eek:
Take a Helicopter ride I did this was January 1995, my company paid for it at the time as I was working in a place called Malwah New Jersey about 3/4 hour from New York City.


Gotta go to Chinatown & Little Italy. Greenwich village & do the Empire state at day & night if you can afford,
the Hard Rock Cafe was good when I was there. :D
Cool pics
Keep em coming guys I'm putting an itinerary together so we can see and do as much as poss while we're there
I love NY, went a few years ago to see my brother who lives in Brooklyn, here are my foodie favourites:

for your pastrami on rye" onclick=";return false;

for the best "T" bone steak I have eaten" onclick=";return false;

and this was good to, Anthony Bourdains old gaff" onclick=";return false;

Agreed with gvee MoMA was brilliant and really I enjoyed the view from the top the Chrysler Building.

Coney Island is fun for some kitch Americana, the wooden rollercoaster (if it still runs) was awesome in a back jarring kind of way :shock:

Have fun!
For a great view of the Empire State go up the rockerfella. Superb view there. A good view of the Statue of Liberty is from the Staten Island ferry, which is free!
Oh, and stay away from the touristy bits if you want a great deli breakfast for not much money.
68_early_bay said:
This is one place I would love to go :mrgreen: but not made it yet :(
don't forget to post plenty of pics on your return 8)

Defo gonna be pic overload when I get back

I'm making notes of all your suggestions so keep em coming or just tell me at the diner on Sunday man v food can't wait :lol:

Mark6455 said:
68_early_bay said:
This is one place I would love to go :mrgreen: but not made it yet :(
don't forget to post plenty of pics on your return 8)

Defo gonna be pic overload when I get back

I'm making notes of all your suggestions so keep em coming or just tell me at the diner on Sunday man v food can't wait :lol:


Have fun mark! 8)
I live within a day's drive of NY City, so as was suggested bundle up nice and warm because winter is here. Keep your passport and wallet hidden deep in inside pockets, stay in highly populated areas to keep the missus safe and happy, and enjoy your holiday!
vwcanuck said:
I live within a day's drive of NY City, so as was suggested bundle up nice and warm because winter is here. Keep your passport and wallet hidden deep in inside pockets, stay in highly populated areas to keep the missus safe and happy, and enjoy your holiday!

Cool thanks For that dude I didn't plan on venturing too much off the tourist areas although I'd love to see the real New York I think my mrs may get a bit twitchy :lol:

Can't wait I love the states
just a thought and not wanting to put a dampener on things, is the big apple all back up and running after sandy, seems to have dropped out of the news.

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