Hi there , I will be in the market for a pair of solid doors at some point this year , I asked a while ago and they seem to be hard to come by , so thought i would ask in advance
I know some doors are year specific so just so we are all clear i am after 1969 doors without the door pulls in top of door , these are 1968 ones ,
i dont mind buying one at a time , Doors must be super solid with no filler , because that what i already have
Would prefer ones from a dry state bus , but beggers cant be choosers .
Thanks for reading
Cheers Graeme 8)
I know some doors are year specific so just so we are all clear i am after 1969 doors without the door pulls in top of door , these are 1968 ones ,
i dont mind buying one at a time , Doors must be super solid with no filler , because that what i already have
Would prefer ones from a dry state bus , but beggers cant be choosers .
Thanks for reading
Cheers Graeme 8)