Rear brakes

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
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I have a feb 1970 bay which at some stage has had the hubs changed to later bays.

It looks like my wheel cylinder has leaked as messy in the one drum I have taken off. Wheel cylinder looks to be the 1967 to 1971 from picks I. The usually 3 companies books.

How should I work out what brake shoes as there is a possible 3. Looks more like 1968. 7/70 so guessing the person that changed them did not change the backing plates

Or can I get later wheel cylinder and later pads to sort it and new backing plates as I want to have a safe bus
Any ideas as far I a can see the wheel cylinder is the only thing that connects differently earlier one goes front to back and later goes back to front.

the wheel bearing carrier number is 211501253b which I believe is the earlier one.
Right I have changed everything to the 73 on wards only mod I have done is drilled the tread out of the hub carrier

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