rising fuel costs ? whose up for a peaceful protest

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Don't think we should draw attention to our 'tax exempt' status :wink: with a protest! Yeah, I'm looking forward to fitting a fuel cell in the Bus 8) probably make it twice as quick :lol: Still, if we're considering energy use, then how much has this post (& others) consumed? :oops: Should we change our backgrounds :? see:


okay guys to save having to answer all the arguments for and against .
if you dont agree thats fine dont fill up the thread with negative comments im looking for people who want to do something about it not argue the reasons not too .
for those interested please check out the thread on vzi as this is a nation wide protest we hope to have other car clubs ,taxis ,coaches etc this is not just a dub thing .
i have heard all the arguments against before and believe me it affects every one high fuel costs in this country are down to tax not oil prices ,i for one am sick of paying tax to buy and furnish mps homes .
like i said there will always be people against thats fine your choice but no offence we dont need to hear from you im only interested in the people who believe in standing up for their rights so once again please check the thread on vzi where there is plans in progress
just a point too i dont want to get in to debate on climate change and green issues here as this thread isnt for that but the uk produces 2% of pollution in the world and yet we are taxed the most for it .for every scientist that claims we are responsible for climate change theres another who claims we are not .in this country our goverment sees it as a way of taking more cash from us .when i see the members of parlament and royals etc been driven around in smart cars il believe theyre interested in green issues its a big con and we fall for it .
if the cost of fuel keeps rising so will everything else .the value of your vehicle will fall because no one will be able to run it .we are already on the brink of a recession
if people sit back and do nothing then nothing changes
vwaddict said:
just a point too i dont want to get in to debate on climate change and green issues here as this thread isnt for that but the uk produces 2% of pollution in the world and yet we are taxed the most for it .for every scientist that claims we are responsible for climate change theres another who claims we are not .in this country our goverment sees it as a way of taking more cash from us .when i see the members of parlament and royals etc been driven around in smart cars il believe theyre interested in green issues its a big con and we fall for it .
if the cost of fuel keeps rising so will everything else .the value of your vehicle will fall because no one will be able to run it .we are already on the brink of a recession
if people sit back and do nothing then nothing changes

WORD! :wink:

wheres Al Gore live? im going round to give him a kicking! he has alot to answer for!
vwaddict said:
if you dont agree thats fine dont fill up the thread with negative comments im looking for people who want to do something about it not argue the reasons not too .

i for one am sick of paying tax to buy and furnish mps homes .

Sorry dude, if you post a thread of a political slant, you'll get 'opinions'. Already this thread has highlighted opionions of the people that you aim to represent on a protest .... but you dont want to hear? Worth thinking about .....

Secondly, what about the taxes that go towards schools, hospitals, the infirm and disabled, those that fall upon hard times .... all that stuff that makes us a 'society'?
Clem said:
Secondly, what about the taxes that go towards schools, hospitals, the infirm and disabled, those that fall upon hard times .... all that stuff that makes us a 'society'?

you mean taxes to line the pockets of Goverment Quangos and 'Fat-cat like' politicians to employ their whole family to do nothing. To help them fit new kitchens/bathrooms and wallpaper/redecorate their 4th home in london with wallpaper that cost £3000 a roll, a flat that they spend 2 mins a week in? :D

Why not take it from income tax where its not noticed as much, or windfall tax the rediculously huge profits made by the Oil Companies and Banks that line city traders pockets?, theres lots of better ways to take our money, ways that we wont notice.

Fuel tax hits the hardworking and the old/poor the most and we notice it more. Most on the poverty line have to choose between eating or staying warm when you consider we pay nearly double (@£600) to fill your average oil tank than this time last year. I just hope we have a really mild winter this year.

I wouldnt mind paying 2p more in the pound on my income tax, but i do notice everytime i go to fill up and its cost me £10 more a tank per week and rising :D, dont forget buses only do 30 to the gallon :D
well done johnny thats my point exactly im sick of hearing our taxes pay for schools etc .we are funding a war we had no right to be in ,we are building more warships we dont really need ,we built a scottish parliament we could have lived without need i go on these wasters use our money for all the wrong reasons if we had no waiting lists for nhs care or top notch schools turning out star pupils id see my money wasnt being wasted .what car does gordon brown drive what about darling ,
Ok, I got confused. The 'real' anger is about Goverment spending? Nothing to do with oil companies putting up prices?
In that case the General Electiuon is the place to register your discontentment. :wink:
Yeah lets protest about the government and get in a new one, we could do with a change
Clem said:
Ok, I got confused. The 'real' anger is about Goverment spending? Nothing to do with oil companies putting up prices?
In that case the General Electiuon is the place to register your discontentment. :wink:
no mate this thread was created for people to list there names if they would like to take part in a protest against high fuel tax not oil prices it is not a debate on whose right or wrong as i said before if you dont want to take part thats fine but dont sabotage the thread if you want a political debate start your own thread .
i simply answered the negative defeatist responses some had made like i said by all means read the thread but if you dont want to take part then move on and leave the thread for those with a backbone its people with negative attitudes that caused this country to be in this state in the first place .


as i said at the start if you want to join the other people who feel its neccessary to complain about over taxing then add your name to the list the date has been set for the 22nd of june and it is planned to do all the m roads if you go to vzi website you will see the oficial post add your name there
vwaddict said:
move on and leave the thread for those with a backbone its people with negative attitudes that caused this country to be in this state in the first place

sorry to stick up for a fellow defeatist, perhaps I have grown a backbone from somewhere. but whatever you think of the opposing views, getting personal is not the way to go, and is down right out of order for a forum like this

i suspect that's why we never discuss politics on here, cos some people can't differentiate between people and politics :roll:

anyway, glad to see you got lots of EB's signing up :wink:
Shaggy said:
Yeah lets protest about the government and get in a new one, we could do with a change

yes but who do you choose? dumb or dumber? :wink: i dont fancy either.

Are there any 'stand up' politicians left?
vwaddict said:
i simply answered the negative defeatist responses some had made like i said by all means read the thread but if you dont want to take part then move on and leave the thread for those with a backbone its people with negative attitudes that caused this country to be in this state in the first place .

Odd how people post on a public chat forum and then find alternative views so unacceptable that they have to get personal.

If you can't see the irony in driving a gas guzzling VW to protest about fuel prices then I suggest a deep breath and a little more sense of humour is required. :roll:
I really do believe that a protest by people who get a 'motoring' tax break of about £180 a year is a bit rich! As for the old/poor, well everyone over the age of sixty now gets free bus travel and this governments tax/pension credits have had a real impact on poverty as has the minimum wage. Remember the poorest members of society couldn't afford the cost of motoring even before the recent price hike.

As for MP's expenses, the worst offenders don't seem to be on the Government benches! Those of us who are old enough remember the dark ages 1979-1997 when the old/poor really were sh*t upon and Government ministers believed there was nothing wrong in accepting envelopes of cash from Al-Fayed etc. Or indeed getting your teenage daughter to commit perjury to cover up bribery (including payments to the then prime minister's family, think about it). So be careful about changing the government.

Yes the war is crap, what war isn't, but Churchill sold us out to the yanks years ago. NHS waiting lists are a fraction of what they were. Schools, well the first post war decline in standards was under Thatcher! There will always be room for improvement but at least now we're moving in the right direction.

OK rant over, except to say that I won't bother posting this on VZI given their lack of commitment to freedom of expression!

Oh, in case your wondering I am not a Labour Party member.
Nice post Tony, although I would of thought most of your time of been taken up with bringing religions together not posting on here....hehe
I used to work in Stormont at the Northern Ireland Assembly and got to see alot of what actually went on behind closed doors, and boy, did i get my eyes open :shock: . The MLAs (some several who are MPs) were only there for the money, nothing else. I could only spot one person out of 112 elected representives who has some integrity!

Maybe Guy Fawkes wasnt so daft after all :p

I'm just kidding (before you send MI6 around to feel me up).

my previous boss always said "Politics?..... show business for Ugly People!"

Back on topic! dude is organising a rally/protest. Who interested?
vwaddict said:
[if you go to vzi website you will see the oficial post add your name there

Last input as it stands from me. This 'isnt' vzi so please dont behave as you might there. Please dont dictate what opinions can be expressed and dont dictate what can or cant be posted.

Over to you and your protest ....
its cool mate im flogging a dead horse on here maybe when it reaches £2.00 a litre and the value of your vans drop to scrap because no one can afford to run them you will see that there was a point meanwhile those of us who still believe in standing up for ourselves instead of lying down and being walked over will do something about it.maybe i just feel more strongly than those south of the border as scotland actually owns 90% of north sea oil and if we didnt have to support your english goverment we would have cheaper fuel but as such it costs more up here strange that .
anyway like i said ive placed my last post on this subject so feel free to fill the thread with all your arguments against despite the thread never being opened as a debate merely as a list of those interested .i thought it was simple if you didnt agree just ignore the thread but instead too much interfering from people with nowt better to do

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