So F----d off ......

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
skeg vegas
Sat at home got sciatica badly stylee,was supposed to be my BIG 40 Party this sat,havin to postpone for couple of weeks now really gettin sick of Escape to the country........ :( :(
I think I know where you`re coming from, had it once myself and then it kept coming back. It seems that once you got problems with your sci dish, it just won`t go away. In the end I went to cable tv and it`s been great ever since. :D
Had to get out of the building game because it was getting more and more frequent and visiting the chiropractor every two or three months to get help to be able to walk up right is the body telling me to pack it in, so I did. Then I became a writer of really rubbish jokes ^^^. Whatever is causing it, change it ! :shock: And if you ain`t getting proffesional help, then get some, :shock: , there is no big prize for putting up with the pain and making your life and everyone elses a misery.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Go on then,,, Ask me how I know,!!! :lol: ;) :lol:
I second that. I had to get put of the building game six years ago just so I could stand up straight.
Funnily enough I,ve managed to get three quarters the way through a full resto since then :roll:
I too feel your pain fella , had it on and off for 2 years now , some days are good others are really bad

Exercise is my advice , keep it supple

hope it clears up soon ;) ;)
Oooh not nice. :( I've had it twice, the second time about a month ago. It wasn't as bad as the first time I had it (a few years ago), but nonetheless it stopped me in my tracks for a few days.