Somerset meet up or New Club formation!

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Active member
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
wherever is warm...
Hi everyone,

Just added a quick update on my restoration thread in the gallery as i have not been able to even touch it for a year due to loads of things going on......... but......

I now have a pub, The Old Mendip Inn, on the A37 outside Bristol and before Shepton Mallet.

I am looking at either forming a club or just having some meets.... Get the Barbecue out, have a good natter and get a fine collection of Vw's on the top of the mendips.

If you are interested give me a shout, plus it will be also nice to talk to people about my restoration instead of having locals take the michael and tell me "when can I scrap that thing" "got yer work cut out there young'un"
Sounds a good idea, there are quite a few members in the somerset and Bristol area.
Do you have a field for overnight stops. ;)
a massive car park and lots of grass on the beer garden is probably enough!

but we are surrounded by fields so i wont think it would be a problem to ask if needed!
Hey chap 8) I run The Old Volks Club in Bristol, would be more than happy to have a cruise down to your pub with all the peeps for a meet up and a cider for all! :mrgreen: I will speak to everyone and see what they think. Do you do food? cos they are a hungry lot! :lol:
stillmorecider said:
Hi everyone,

I now have a pub, The Old Mendip Inn, on the A37 outside Bristol and before Shepton Mallet.

I am looking at either forming a club or just having some meets.... Get the Barbecue out, have a good natter and get a fine collection of Vw's on the top of the mendips.

Is this the pub opposite the junction for Mendip Shooting Ground?
I get down your way farily often, my cousin lives in Pensford and in-laws jst the other side of the bridge - will pop in next time we're around - keep us posted with possible meet dates.
westbay said:
stillmorecider said:
Hi everyone,

I now have a pub, The Old Mendip Inn, on the A37 outside Bristol and before Shepton Mallet.

I am looking at either forming a club or just having some meets.... Get the Barbecue out, have a good natter and get a fine collection of Vw's on the top of the mendips.

Is this the pub opposite the junction for Mendip Shooting Ground?

No thats the SLabhouse, mine is up the road turn right and along there! much better... Natch on Draught! cheaper and better food :)
We do food except on a monday, but if it was a monday then i could sort out some food!

pub number is 01749 84 1234

And ask for me......Alex

Cruise on down its not that far and its a decent drive from Bristol!
stillmorecider said:
Hi everyone,

Just added a quick update on my restoration thread in the gallery as i have not been able to even touch it for a year due to loads of things going on......... but......

I now have a pub, The Old Mendip Inn, on the A37 outside Bristol and before Shepton Mallet.

I am looking at either forming a club or just having some meets.... Get the Barbecue out, have a good natter and get a fine collection of Vw's on the top of the mendips.

If you are interested give me a shout, plus it will be also nice to talk to people about my restoration instead of having locals take the michael and tell me "when can I scrap that thing" "got yer work cut out there young'un"
sounds good, it will be good to have a local club ;)

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