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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Paignton, Devon
ok well ithis is where i cant fathom out what the problem is

the switch is fine and the wiring seems to be ok and the starter motor disengages when there is no engine in and when i jump the motor, ie connect both terminals together the starter starts and when i take the wire off it stops,


when i put the engine in and cross the terminals the starter starts, but even when the wire is removed the starter does not stop until i disconnect the battery

dont makes sense it works until i put an engine in, the tinware was sparking at one point but i remedied that by putting new earth wire on the gearbox, but the starter still does the same thing

wont disengage until battery is disconnected and you turn the pulley wheel slightly you can hear the starter click back into place

so to sum up

starter works but wont disengage when engine is in

i cant work this one out please help
whats the brass bush like in the bell housing, because if this is worn then the pinoin of the starter is running out of line and will catch on the flywheel. these are very cheap to buy and easy to change. (when engine is out.)
remove engine and starter and clean where starer fits and u should see where the starter bush is. knock the old one out and then clean hole and replace with new one taking care not to damage it. once installed i always gently run a really fine round file around it just to remove any burrs that may be there.
replace starter and engine and try that.

ill give it a go,

i keep thinking the engine must be doing something as the starter will disengage when i short the terminals with no engine in, but wont disengage when the engine is in, i put new earth cable on gearbox as the tinwear was sparking when rubbing on the body, hmmmm but didnt solve problem

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