Monkeyspinner Tim said:
T2d dont cut and turn, they fit one adjuster in one front beam and drop it so the springs fight against eachother thus uprating the spring in affect. this is perfectly good and nice riding way to take around 4" out of the standard supsension... i should think they also take the rear down one outer spline so it's sits level. i'm not sure on the price.
of course 4" basically just takes the gap from between the tyre and arch, if you want to give it a proper tap with the lowering stick and still be safe with a nice ride your going to have to dig a lot deeper that £160,, £350, £500 or even £1000...
Tim, your wrong i'm afraid, we reset both upper and lower beams.. Your thinking of the Foksey adjuster I think.
so what price is it and where are you located im in scotland doesnt seem to be anyone up here could maybe arrange to come in on route to one of the shows
We have now fine tuned our art and can offer a 3 hour in and out lowering service inc, tracking and camber set.
more info email
[email protected]