YellowBay69 Well-known member Supporting Member Joined May 27, 2019 Messages 528 Reaction score 475 Year of Your Van(s) 1969 Van Type 1969 Bay Window Jun 7, 2023 #21 I’ve worked in custom bicycle manufacturing and seen many small manufacturers running a steel cabinet super insulated with an old cooker element in to ‘cook’ hand painted bicycle frames.
I’ve worked in custom bicycle manufacturing and seen many small manufacturers running a steel cabinet super insulated with an old cooker element in to ‘cook’ hand painted bicycle frames.
YellowBay69 Well-known member Supporting Member Joined May 27, 2019 Messages 528 Reaction score 475 Year of Your Van(s) 1969 Van Type 1969 Bay Window Jun 7, 2023 #22 Don’t forget most powders are electrostaically applied with a low + charge on one and neg on the other ….. could be the other way around though.
Don’t forget most powders are electrostaically applied with a low + charge on one and neg on the other ….. could be the other way around though.