To pull the engine or not? Install thermostat?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
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After a heavy night I thought it would be a really good idea to jack the camper up and finally take a look at the engine! A cold compression test was 130 at each side, so fairly confident there is no need for a top end rebuild.

As always there are leaks, somewhere from the front and somewhere at the rear. I am pretty sure the flywheel oil seal will be fine as only done a few years back. Surprisingly the pushrods tubes are all dry.

I will also be converting to an alternator and wondering if best done with the engine out?

The engine has never had a thermostat or flaps fitted and again wondering whether to fit as I happen to have all the parts?

Admittedly it is not a hard job to remove the engine, just trying to create less work and reduce time working outside :/


Im no mechanic but i'd say pull engine to give it a good look over ,

The alternator can be swapped while engine is in as my mate done it on mine , but i would guess its easier with engine out

And as far as thermostat , If mr VW put it in it should be there to keep engine at optimum temperature , these old engines don't like to get too hot !!

Cheers G
If you changing from dynamo to alternator you have to change pedestal that it sits on.It's easier doing job with engine out unless some one has changed the pedestal studs for bolts,good idea!! The thermostat is there to warm engine up not cool it down. It opens when temperature gets to running temperature to allow hot air to be dispirsed and cool air can be drawn in through fan housing. If thermostat fails closed no cool air can circulate and you end up with cooked engine. I wouldn't bother fitting one but it's up to you.
I'm a bit confused - I thought that there were 2 types of Type 1 thermostat, one that failed closed and one open and the new ones that you can buy were the latter?
Exactly why my engine does not have any of it fitted. Also makes linkage to filter redundant.

dustrat said:
If you changing from dynamo to alternator you have to change pedestal that it sits on.It's easier doing job with engine out unless some one has changed the pedestal studs for bolts,good idea!! The thermostat is there to warm engine up not cool it down. It opens when temperature gets to running temperature to allow hot air to be dispirsed and cool air can be drawn in through fan housing. If thermostat fails closed no cool air can circulate and you end up with cooked engine. I wouldn't bother fitting one but it's up to you.
dustrat said:
If you changing from dynamo to alternator you have to change pedestal that it sits on.It's easier doing job with engine out unless some one has changed the pedestal studs for bolts,good idea!! The thermostat is there to warm engine up not cool it down. It opens when temperature gets to running temperature to allow hot air to be dispirsed and cool air can be drawn in through fan housing. If thermostat fails closed no cool air can circulate and you end up with cooked engine. I wouldn't bother fitting one but it's up to you.

The thermostat fails in the open position.
Sorry sparkywig for correcting you but thermostat is closed when engine is cold ,opens when engine gets up to temperature. The only sure way to check thermostat is to place in hot water from keetle and see if it opens.If it dos'nt open bin it , same if it already open.I have just refurbushed an engine for some one where the thermostat failed. Expensive repair, barrels, pistons and heads.

Dustrat, the thermostat most certainly fails open. There is a small vacuum in the bellows at cold, if you puncture the bellows you will hear a small hiss and it will expand. If you are sold an open bellows then you know it is not working.
They are made "hot" and sealed with solder. When they cool, the vacuum forms and collapses the bellows ( they might even use some alcohol for expansion it seem to recall).
Feel free to run without, however you are doing your engine no favours what so ever.
I'll buy you linkage bar if it is going spare.

Happy new year.

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Thanks guys. Do you all run stock carbs and standard filter? I am currently running stock though need a new solex so naturally looking at other options like weber 36's etc
As I said yesterday whist round deffo change the alternator studs to bolts, makes changing it in future a lot easier. I did Grazy's in his works car park and it is a bit of a mission and results in scuffed knuckles, I recently fitted a new alternator to mine and although easier as I have twin carbs I still fitted bolts. As for flaps and a stat my 2110 doesn't have them and sits at 80mph all day in the summer and never get too hot. I never had any issue but it's just my choice and they do fail open as a fail safe so the motor doesn't cook.
dustrat said:
Sorry sparkywig for correcting you but thermostat is closed when engine is cold ,opens when engine gets up to temperature. The only sure way to check thermostat is to place in hot water from keetle and see if it opens.If it dos'nt open bin it , same if it already open.I have just refurbushed an engine for some one where the thermostat failed. Expensive repair, barrels, pistons and heads.


Partly right, only test the thermostat while mounted in its frame otherwise you can damage it by over expansion.

As already stated, the thermostat will fail in the open position.
Apology accepted.

You'll need to adjust the thermostat when refitting as well.


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