Too young to Die.

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Malvern, UK
Being a teacher, I meet so many young people that its unfortunately inevitable that one of them will die before their time. I found out today that a lad who only left School a year ago (17) died yesterday whilst swimming in the River Severn. I can't see how any good comes from this, I shall just hold onto the memories I have of him.

Does make you realize that you have to live every day to the full and have no regrets.
:( RIP

Heard this on the news earlier............unfortunately this happens quite a bit when its hot, especially people jumping off bridges etc.....

I agree with what you never know when your times up :(
Have just spent the best part of an hour composing a sorry tale only to lose the internet connection and hence the entire message! But ****, gonna write it again (therapy?) Very sad story, what a waste of a young life. Know the perils of The Severn, lived in a flat in an old mill on the bank in Bridgenorth. Have attended too many funerals in the last (less than) year. My (lovely, wonderful so kind and caring) Aunt Mary was not in the first flush of youth, but it was not age, even after chemo it was the return of cancer that took her. Uncle Joe was diabetic, and the associated problems made his life a misery and eventually killed him. My mate Jinx's dad, Phil, whom I had known for ever, died at 62. Jinx did say though that 'he lived the life of a rockstar' so at least he had a good time! Then there is my ex's neice Katie Jane, a lovely young woman, who battled cancer, endured chemotherapy only for the cancer to return . She just made her 29th birthday. Stumpy (Steve), my mate from knee high and a year older than me at 44, was an aviation photographer, so obviously a job with risks. Killed in a plane crash at Sebring, Florida earlier this year. Left a wife, son and daughter. Saw an old school mate earlier (yesterday now!) who passed on the news that another school friend had died. Apparently Paul had heart trouble and cancer. There have been other losses, but all these have been in less than a year, hearing about Pauls passing has been yet another slap in the chops! All the way through this, I have had the worry of someone very close enduring bowel cancer. It was non-lymphatic, and they say that along with the tumor, it has gone. I am not religious, but pray they are right, I do not want to lose someone so precious to me and others. And she is only just 37. Sorry to ramble on, perhaps not in the right place either, but what else do you do when you can't sleep and/because something touches a nerve?!
Oh, and to be a little less morbid, as a friend said,
'Make the most of every day, you are here for a good time, not a long time!'
Wise words indeed....Roll on Thursday, me and my boy heading for EBI3!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
Truely sad new on all counts, I can never get my head around death and it's lack of fairness.

All I know is that life is precious and must not be taken for granted, while I am still alive I want to get a good balance of living for today and ensuring a happy future for me, my friends and family. If you can do something every day you will help with no regrets.

sorry dude....its always bad to hear news like this. lost a good friend last year due to a heart attack caused by an astma attack. she had just finished her degree and had the world at her feet. 22 years old. it sucks. but your words are correct, its the life in yours days not the days in your life!
1 of my mates always says he's terrorfied of dying, how i look at it is, it can happen to anyone at any time so don't dwell on it. If it happens, it happens. Still, 17? thats really young :(
R.I.P its horrible to hear things like this, especially when they are so close to home :( we all really should enjoy and cherish everything we do

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