Thanks for all your thoughts gang, no there is no left hooker booths and its six pounds and forty pences if you are dressed to kill with a set of seats and a sink and stuff, if you are panel ing or pick up ing then you`ll have the luxury of paying commercial which is about twelve and a half quid ish :roll: There is absolutely no damage to the bus or its paintwork or the actual roof even. The only damage is to the mechanicals and frames of the pop top, some skinned knuckles and shins, a wrenched shoulder or two and some extra dents in my less then handsome cranium which I only discovered today when I stayed off the ibruprufen for the day. I have no idea where some of the abrasions came from even now, I know about the skinned knuckles and that`s about it. This is almost like a movie of something that has happened to someone else and not to me,, it`s weird,,,, very weird. Some of you guys know that I get a bit heavy on the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: but I`ll try and tone it down a bit,,
but just a little bit
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So what`s next I wonder :?:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So what`s next I wonder :?: