woodys wacky wheels
Well-known member
Hi ,
I am trying to track down the owner of my old 67 Bay window Devon reg HPR 330F
I think the guy I sold it to came from around the Hull area , but I'm not 100% sure
has anyone seen it at any shows or even on the road this year
Nothing dodgy it is just that a certain magazine is on my case for a mag feature
and as I no longer own the van , I don't think I should do the article :roll:
The pictures for the article were taken whilst I still owned the van but I think the current owner should have the feature in his name .
If anyone can help out please pm me with a contact number , thanks
I am trying to track down the owner of my old 67 Bay window Devon reg HPR 330F
I think the guy I sold it to came from around the Hull area , but I'm not 100% sure
has anyone seen it at any shows or even on the road this year
Nothing dodgy it is just that a certain magazine is on my case for a mag feature
and as I no longer own the van , I don't think I should do the article :roll:
The pictures for the article were taken whilst I still owned the van but I think the current owner should have the feature in his name .
If anyone can help out please pm me with a contact number , thanks