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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
It worked for nearly two whole minutes then. I am beginning to believe the people behind it are rank amateurs. I don't really care but there is one tech thread on there that I want to read. It is so frustrating.
That's the only thing I miss about VZi, and it's huge audience when you're selling stuff.
Don't miss the colour of your pants threads though! :lol:
speedwell68 said:
It worked for nearly two whole minutes then. I am beginning to believe the people behind it are rank amateurs.

Give them a break dude ;)
Just because you don't particularly like VZi (or so it would seem) doesn't mean you should slag off the people behind it as soon as it breaks.

Unless you contribute something to the website yourself (I don't) it is very easy to criticize the work of others ;)
I'd imagine they don't exactly make money from it either, but that they are in it for the enjoyment it can bring for them and others. You can't expect it to necessarily be their first priority as soon as it breaks.

Even if they are rank amateurs they provide a damn useful website, particularly the tech, for sale and readers rides areas.

I have never read a "what colour are your pants" thread, because I don't give a **** what colour underwear people who I've probably not even met are wearing.
But I still enjoy reading other parts of the forum and I look forward to it working again :)
As VZi provides income for no-one, I guess its a labour of love for the most part, and resources to throw at it will be limited or at least, a lower priority.
The world still turns without it, apparantly. :)

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