Aaron and Johnny both joined in April and both are in the top ten , man they must both be single outta work and have nothing better to do with their lives , :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ha Ha i am 5th :shock:
Grazy, I know you are 5th I and I am proud to be coming up your rear ( :shock: ).
Just sad that Easy is in the lead - wonder if EarlyB can knock some posts off
of his total to give the one of the others the crown for a while.
God, I've suddenly gone so anal - must be the rum i'm supping
Away this weekend, so catch next week - becool and all the best for a good weekend all 8)
You will never reach 3000 you will be taken out by some nasty virus, so what is your IP address, username and password again, its just to keep the records up to date