I think the curtains with magnets in was an idea I`d played with but not got around to sorting, the idea was to use fridge door type magnets but I went off that idea. My current plan now is to make roller blinds but in reverse so that you have to pull them up and the roller can hide behind the cards,, maybe it`ll happen,,,,,,,,,,, maybe not :mrgreen: The whole idea of cooking in the van is a bit claustrophobic so a portable with a throw away canister is absolutely perfect for me so I can use it in the bus if it`s pissing it down or in the awning / gazebo most of the time. For the amount of space they take up you could have two or even three in the bus :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,Ready,,,Steady,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Drink,, or cook :mrgreen: