Where can I get Canvas Bows and tilts for a Bay Crewie?

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Great find Carole, I was never able to find a supplier when I had my DC. If I had I would have gone the whole hog buying a tilt from this guy

Not cheap at £500 excl shipping but look top quality. You've probably already visited dropgates, great source of info. on all things pick-up


That's me decided 2008 is the year of the crew cab - I'm on a mission to get me one :)
Im in the business of bummin around doing nothing but Helens got her own courier business, not quite sure I'm gonna succeed although I am looking at setting up a small wine supply company.....
I keep telling her that, but she doesnt grasp the potential...Never mind when I get my own business plan off to a start the DC is mine.....

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