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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
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i am now the proud owner of a 72 bay but dont know where to find out a bit of info/ history on the van. for one the log book states that it has a 1700cc engine but the previous owner insists its a 1600, how can i clarify this? also how do i know if its been lowered/ narrowed,as it doesnt look stock (but i am no expert!!) is there a site that can tell me its original vital statistics?? not even had a proper poke around yet but just thought you guys could point me in the right direction.
andy :cool0008:
What shape engine has it?

big black fan housing at the back or is the fan front and centre and low down?

behind the left hand cab seat are a couple of labels one being a vin plate as normal with chassis number the other being a "M" plate with a **** load of info on, post the details up....

being a 72 there is a likelyhood that it was originally fitted with the 1700 pancake as it was an option for that year but they are few and far between and can be expensive to source parts/mechanics hence its likely to have been swapped....

any details on the XO then here is about the best place to post your Qs.....

get pics up....
hi andy, and welcome to EB,where abouts are you iam shore there is
someone on here living close who would gladly come take alook :rocknroll:
As Araon says get some pictures up and you'll get lots of advice,
cheers guys i'll try and get some pics up and the "m" number etc.
if the engine has been changed is it worth changing the info on the log book??
thanks again,
the plate looks like this

22 040 590

060651 A41 172 506

865 7558 EN 214031

the engine has:A (B with an X over it) D 827951 stamped on it below the fuel pump.

let me know if any info is obviously wrong as the plate has a few coats of paint on it and is hard to read.

cheers again for the help.

the plate looks like this

22 040 590 72 model year chassis number

060651 paint & interior code Pastel White L90D & Dark Beige interior
A41 Group code for 020 (Speedo & Odo in Miles) 061 (Type labelling & seat mounting id plate for England & Ireland) 187 (Head lamps for left hand traffic)
172 Tubeless steel ply tyres
506 Brake servo and dual circuit brake control lamp

865 Looks wrong - Possibly 365 which would make it produced on Friday 10/09/71
7558 Production code for planning
EN Location code United Kingdom Ramsgate
2140 Model Code Type 2, Panel Van RHD slidong door left, Standard Version
31 Type 4 1700 66BHP, 4 speed manual
Loxy beat me to it, I like a challenge :mrgreen:

I think 865 is wrong as well, should be a build date with a week and day number first part should be 1-52, second part 1-6

So in answer to your original question it had a type 4 in it from the factory,
Graham L said:
Loxy beat me to it, I like a challenge :mrgreen:

I think 865 is wrong as well, should be a build date with a week and day number first part should be 1-52, second part 1-6

So in answer to your original question it had a type 4 in it from the factory,

my books starting to get turned over corners its used so much :lol:
cant fault you chaps!! so fast as well!!

so does the engine code sound like a replacement unit?

thanks again!!
My guess based on the engine number under the fuel pump is that its a type 1 engine, I "think" all type 4 engines have the fuel pump tucked away behind cylinder 1 - which would make it a pain in the arse to find the engine number if it was there? and afaik ABD isnt a valid engine code????? thought all engine codes started with 2 letters so AB or AD would be 1600 type 1 engines & most type 4 engines seem to start with a C or G.

Is it a single or twin carb engine?
fuel pump is between the dizzy & the stand the alternator/generator sits on? alt/genny has a belt that goes round the crank pulley below it?
If so I guess the previous owner is correct its a 1600 (or at least some type of type 1 engine).
I'd hazard a guess at a 1300 AB thats been through the mill and been booted out again as a 1600 AD hence the stike through the B.....

Obviously a T1 lump, I would be concerned about the tinware and go over it thoroughly, so many busses are sporting the incorrect tin....

Re the suspension, easiest way to check is to compare the images in the gallery if the fronts stock it will have a slight nose up (okay not always so slight) stance, then get under the van and have a look at the beam/s for any adjusters or obvious excess welding.

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