Which Deluxe rubber seals to buy??

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
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Hi we've just recently bought a Californian Early Bay Deluxe and it leaks like a sieve. We basically need to buy a complete set of window, door and boot rubbers. It has obviously quarter lights in the cab doors, sliding door, and both rear side windows. We really want descent quality ones that fit well that we can put our original chrome trim inserts back into.

Does anybody know the best place to get them from? So far we have spoken to VW Heritage and they would have to order them from the US! We dont want to wait that long! Also spoke to Status VW and Custom & Commercial. Does anybody know anything about the quality and fit of these sets?

Have also been advised that the Genuine VW rubbers dont fit the early bay glass as well due to the thickness of the glass or something?

Have also been informed again that some types of the newer deluxe rubbers dont fit with the original deluxe chrome trim either! We would rather use our nice original chrome trim inserts than have to buy a full set of newer plastic ones.

Any experience from any of you with deluxes or information on this would be very useful.

Thanks Seb
Hi Seb,

Clem on here has recently done exactly that to my californian import! I'm pretty sure he used *edit* C&C rubbers and also salvaged my og trim which was put back in with the new rubbers. He said they were a pig to fit, but do able & as you said, much nicer with the og stuff than the crappy plastic :mrgreen: There's a post on my gallery thread if you'd like a look at the fit?! :D
Hi, just looked through the thread, great looking van. It does say in there though that C&C rubbers were used and not Status ones? What do you think?
Oh yes, I've just checked the bag Clem gave me your right, they're C&C Seb sorry :oops: !! Thank you for your comments on my van.. Have you got any pics of yours on here yet? :mrgreen:
Not deluxe,, but the regular rubbers from C&C were about the best around when I looked last year. Don`t know if that`s any help. :?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,Likes nice tight fitting rubbers,,, :lol: ;) :lol:
Here are a couple of pictures of the van from a few weeks ago. Since then it has been European specified with the lights etc, new rear view mirror, indicator stalk and couple of other little bits and pieces. It then went straight through its mot, with the only advisories being the ball joints and track rods. Ordered those today from Heritage so should have them done by the end of next week hopefully. And the week after we are planning on taking it down to a friends workshop so we can work on doing all the rubbers and the headliner in one fowl swoop.

We have also completely stripped it out inside of everything and thoroughly cleaned and polished a lot of it all ready, to all go back in as soon as the rubbers are done. We also looked for any thing that may need attention at some point and there wasn't really anything that needs to be done.

Thanks for all your helpful advice. Seems like the C&C ones are the ones to go for, we'll get them ordered.




Hi Seb, that's lovely!! Get it cavity waxed & preserve what you have!! I need to get my headliner replaced but that's got to wait a wee while yet.. Dal on here replaced his himself recently and did a fantastic DIY job. There's a thread somewhere.. Good luck!! :D
Right, I have not bought or fitted stuff from any of the suppliers myself but have taken note of others comments.
Status seemed to have a superb reputation for quality parts and service. They sadly had a robbery which cleared them out and it is debateable as to whether they have recovered. Remember, I am going on here-say and not personal experience. Word then went around that C&C were using the same high quality supplier so all was lovely, but as I say cannott confirm this one way or the other.
What I am sure of is that the original stainless steel inserts are in a different galaxy quality wise to the crap plastic offerings and that they are all complete arsehole to fit.
A job I really am not looking forward to......

That bus above, absolutely bloody gorgious,please don't spoil it by painting etc, looks more than perfect as is.!!!!
Got mine from wolfsburg west in the states as most uk suppliers so also.
Went for the new ally trim rather than the plastic.
To be honest the prices on c&cs site works out not that much more expensive, i was just lucky to get someone to bring them over for me with some other parts so?saving on postage.
I was always a fan of Status, and went to them at Vanfest with a wad of cash for a load of seals ... on the Friday they said I could pay and get them delivered the next week. I went to C and C ,paid cash and got the seals there and then.

Like PeteB says above, I just dont think Status has/had recovered from the wipe out, its a real shame, but service counts.

Anyway, they are a 'pig' to fit! Thats no comment on the seals, just on the trim! :mrgreen:
Thanks for all your great help and very useful advice everyone, rubbers are now ordered from C&C and should be delivered by Friday with a bit of luck. Headliner should be here mid week. Sounds like we are going to have fun fitting this lot, but I will let you all know how we get on. Thanks again Seb
I used status deluxe seals. Absolutely spot on.
I managed to use the OG trim for the front screen but had to use the plastic trim for the rear as my bus just had a standard seal fitted in the back window- and from a distance you can't really tell (yes its a pain though)
ozziedog said:
Bring on the K.Y. jelly,,,,, :lol: :shock: :lol:

Ozzieog,,,,,,,,,, Obviously back from the pub,,,, 8)

we'll use lots of KY Jelly...then we will probably start on the van windows 5 minutes later!

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