Been trying to work out when I first went, think it was Bug Jam 3, would have been 1985? and I was just 20! Was all air cooled then and Golf GTI's were only owned by yuppies and would have never been allowed any near a VW event. They were owned by rich kids, posers, nonces and farmers boys. How things have changed, a recent event I attended had mostly water cooled in the show & shine.
Have heard all the tales of this event being overun by spotty max power types, hasn't inspired me to return. Young lad (20yrs) working with me this week, Subaru owner, invited by a VW owning mate, was off there this afternoon. Ratio is apparently 3 VW's (all water cooled) to 7 'others', Scooby, Corsa etc, etc.
I'm sure everyone will have a great time, but it doesn't sound like my kind of thing......especially if it's been raining! :lol: