yes put the rubber on the windscreen,i dont use any lube but for a beginer it should make it easyer,then put some string in the rubber(start 6 inshes up from the bottom corner then in the same place on the other side put a loop in the string(long enouth to be able to pul)then drop the screen in the apature,get sat in the cab,1 person eash side,arm out the door pulling the screen in with hand ,then pull the string,come round the botom corner each side then up round the top corner and work your self round,its not a perfect sciance and some times its a tad harder than others.this is how i would aproach it,but ive seen glaizers do it totally diferently and get it in just as quick.sometimes it will need a slap to get it in and other times just a push will do the job,the key in not braking it isNEVER PUSH OR SLAP WHERE THE SCREEN ISENT LIPPED OVER THE BODY,OR AT THE POINT WHERE IT IS LIPPET TO
in all honesty if you havent done any glass before i would ring round the local firms,i would usually change about £30 for something like might even get it cheeper