Just to prove (as if needed!) how crap I am with 'pooters, have to say that other than there being some problem with posting photos (a task only recently mastered by myself) ,I have no comprehension of what you folk are talking about! Post the URL instead of the IMG (or other way around), might as well be in Greek for all that means to me! I have been asked how I cope at work with being so useless with computers, answer being that I work with my hands and my head, not sat on my arse staring at a screen all day. Computers come into play when the software 'engineer' turns up with a laptop (complete with flat battery and no extension lead. Nob.) to commission the equipment I have just installed. And then the t*at usually hasn't written the code properly and blames everything else for his mistake. Attitude, chip on my shoulder, you bet! And while I'm at it, smilies. Some of these new ones are downright rude (the vomiting one, is that supposed to be funny? Vile) and is the concept not just so damn juvenile? Fits in with those adverts on TV for mobile phone ringtones, about right for 12yr olds. Anyhow, enough of a rant for the moment, I'll step off my soapbox and return to the home 'for those grumpy old bast*rds with no sense of humor' :lol: