Drum Spindles, dropped or otherwise

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Sep 24, 2009
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Hi all,

So the question. Where sells earlybay dropped drum spindles?

Checked a multitude of posts here and on other forums but not got a clear answer. Most end up on pages advising of dropped spindles that use late bay disc/calipers for your drum bus. Parts for sale are all sold long ago.

Checked all the normal suppliers including Cool Air as Transporthaus reseller and nothing. I know FS offered them at some point, checked on Grahams site but currently relocating and nothing on there. Checked on FS site but couldn't find what I wanted. US suppliers are £600+ before shipping customs of they have them in stock.

Been messaging Transporthaus for advice on current preferred method and been told I need drum drop spindles along with advice on what not to do as things have moved on (found out horseshoes are frowned on and i need adjustable spring plates - thank you .

I'm sure the old dropped spindles required two sets to create one, then companies started to offer new forged ones.

Problem I'm trying to solve, is Porsche set up on a 71my disc brake spindle bus. Im running early disc transporthaus drop spindles fitted 10 years back. Got full 944 n/a parts; hubs, discs, calipers. Know I may have to swap calipers for wilwood/boxter etc

Messaged Lanner at Vdubengineering they do a kit using Cayman rotors/Boxter caliper on disc spindles but needs 16" wheels.

Any help greatly appreciated.
I was looking for dropped spindles for my early 68 a while a go because well i have a stock gap in my arches and i struggled to find early bay dropped spindles. There was a pair on ebay that had been modded but i didnt trust that and for 500 so i thought no and i cant justify spending that on them. It seems these days you have to convert to 73 discs etc etc onwards with spindles too and its very costly and i have heard it increases the track by a couple of inches or something like that and i thought shelve the idea, im now thinking shes fine as is and its easier to get under there if i need to and do quarterly checks, work etc too. There is certainly a gap in the market i think for more early bay parts to be created though. Then again it might be there already i havent checked. 🙂🤙
Thank you for the response Velgreeno. I did find a post from Transporterhaus asking for people's opinion if they were to manufacture new forged drop spindles, both discs and drum. I can find forged disc ones but not drum.
I know drum were also only for a couple of years. And if it required 2 to make 1 supplies would get exhausted quicker.
Just have to hold out for someone who went dropped on wide 5 to want to upgrade to 73 on disc 🙂
I have drum lowered spindles on mine. The first generation ones were made from two sets, but the common ones were the flipped ones that were made from a single set that were machined and fitted with different ball joints.

Have you asked T2D?
Hi Clem,

Been a while (Seattle Metro plate frame 👍)

Not asked them direct but had checked their website. They have KnL drop spindles and the CSP porsche kit, also the adapter bearing kit to fit 944 n/a or turbo on their site.
Guess and email won't hurt. Have asked Transporterhaus too.

Actual available on site only those I linked to from vintagev-dubs seem available.

There was set of earlybay drums/spindles on ebay a couple of days ago for £130. I emailed to ask if they were flipped or not but they never hot back to me and the auction ended unsold. Now I know they can be machined may be worth messaging them again and just getting them machined. Thanks for the info.
Hi Clem,

Been a while (Seattle Metro plate frame 👍)

Not asked them direct but had checked their website. They have KnL drop spindles and the CSP porsche kit, also the adapter bearing kit to fit 944 n/a or turbo on their site.
Guess and email won't hurt. Have asked Transporterhaus too.

Actual available on site only those I linked to from vintagev-dubs seem available.

There was set of earlybay drums/spindles on ebay a couple of days ago for £130. I emailed to ask if they were flipped or not but they never hot back to me and the auction ended unsold. Now I know they can be machined may be worth messaging them again and just getting them machined. Thanks for the info.
Good to see you back dude :)
@Nugsy Other than the backing plate mounts I can't see what the difference is between drum and disc spindles. They both take the same wheel bearings (as do 944 spindles, just without bearing spacers), so must be a spindle length difference.
I can measure stock balljoint drum spindles, T'haus k'n'l dropped spindles and 944 spindles tomorrow, but don't have any stock balljoint disc spindles to hand.
Thanks Sparky, really appreciate that.

I have some standard early disc spindles 70/71. If you let me know what you're measuring I can check them.

Alex from t'haus mentioned the calipers fowling the mount somehow. Also said the old school kit he saw used the back plate mounts to mount the caliper bracket and put the caliper on the opposite side (assume leading edge). Lanner at Vdubengineering said that's the kit that now uses cayman/boxster and need 16" wheels

Early disc spindles are always advertised different to late bay spindles, and in researching this have found all late bay spindles say if putting on a 70/71 you need to upgrade to 72 on Brakes. Not sure on the difference between early disc and drum.

Called Cool Air today as t'haus distributor, they have nothing. Also called T2D and waiting on a call back.

Scouring the Samba and looking on their site Wagonwest are $1400 but not in stock. Found some posts say to check Oldspeed, CA but no shop option on their Web page.

Wish I'd done it years ago when I first wanted too, but was happy just driving it then. Then had engine issues, moved house, lockdown. Finally got my arse in gear to get it sorted how I always wanted it now (first thread I read when I logged back in here was your new bus)
Thanks Sparky, really appreciate that.

I have some standard early disc spindles 70/71. If you let me know what you're measuring I can check them.

Alex from t'haus mentioned the calipers fowling the mount somehow. Also said the old school kit he saw used the back plate mounts to mount the caliper bracket and put the caliper on the opposite side (assume leading edge). Lanner at Vdubengineering said that's the kit that now uses cayman/boxster and need 16" wheels

Early disc spindles are always advertised different to late bay spindles, and in researching this have found all late bay spindles say if putting on a 70/71 you need to upgrade to 72 on Brakes. Not sure on the difference between early disc and drum.

Called Cool Air today as t'haus distributor, they have nothing. Also called T2D and waiting on a call back.

Scouring the Samba and looking on their site Wagonwest are $1400 but not in stock. Found some posts say to check Oldspeed, CA but no shop option on their Web page.

Wish I'd done it years ago when I first wanted too, but was happy just driving it then. Then had engine issues, moved house, lockdown. Finally got my arse in gear to get it sorted how I always wanted it now (first thread I read when I logged back in here was your new bus)
I had to fit 72-on callipers to my ‘71 model. All it seemed to be was the later calliper mounting bolts are larger diameter, and the disc offset is slightly different. So you use special sleeve/ spacer like a top hat to take up the slack and move the calliper over a little. As I remember the bolts need to be about 3-4mm longer.
don’t know if that helps
I had to fit 72-on callipers to my ‘71 model. All it seemed to be was the later calliper mounting bolts are larger diameter, and the disc offset is slightly different. So you use special sleeve/ spacer like a top hat to take up the slack and move the calliper over a little. As I remember the bolts need to be about 3-4mm longer.
don’t know if that helps
Thanjs Nigel.

Re 70-72 and 73on calipers I found this on the samba:

The major differences between the two brake systems are highlighted in Bentley, Chapter 8, Page 15. The 73 and later models have a larger brake caliper and 14mm rather than 10mm thick pads. The caliper mounting bolts increased in size from M12 x 1.5 to M14 x 1.5 and the tightening torque increased from 72 ft/lbs to 116 ft/lbs. The brake disc, steering knuckle (spindle) and splash shield also changed.

Sorted out my 71 spindles today stripped them down, also stripped the 944 knuckles. Cleaned everything up. The bay spindles are definitely longer than the porsche ones. Will get some measurements/photos as going to offer them up tomorrow so I can visualise the issue.

But know the answer is drum spindles or spacers on my 71 disc spindles.

As no one other than the ones in the US I mentioned sell dropped ones, thought is if I get some standard ones, one of the companies that have done them in the past may be able to machine them.
Just realised when I said spacers above, I meant adapters: 5x112 to 5x130

So unless I can figure something out no one else has (which I very very much doubt) it's search for drums spindles or use 20mm adapters on the front.
Still miffed I missed those on ebay
Still chasing the dream of Drum spindles.

Anyone had any experience with either of these

Vintage V-dubs
Hand fabricated drum '68-’70 Bay Window 2.5″ Drum Drop Spindle $850

Screenshot_20231010-212429_Samsung Internet.jpg


1955-79 Porsche to VW bus hybrid dropped spindles – SERVICE $850

Screenshot_20231010-212509_Samsung Internet.jpg
I have a set that were bought brand new for my 69 Westy along with a narrowed beam from T2D about 10 years ago, they have sat in my garage ever since! I am very close to giving up on ever getting my bus done (Long story!) I have loads of new and used and refurbished parts and am close to breaking it and selling the lot!
I have a set that were bought brand new for my 69 Westy along with a narrowed beam from T2D about 10 years ago, they have sat in my garage ever since! I am very close to giving up on ever getting my bus done (Long story!) I have loads of new and used and refurbished parts and am close to breaking it and selling the lot!
Sorry to hear you feel that way about your bus. I used mine for 7 years and did loads in it; Euro Disney, numerous shows etc. Then went through some real downs with it following a bodged engine build and ensuing court case. Got sorted 4 years ago, but then moved house, extension, full refurb and I lost interest. I got the passion back again now, and thank god I bought things when I did as prices are daft now. Only thing I really need is drum drop spindles, but they are like hens teeth.
Don't want to be the one that Tips your decision, but if you do decide to sell everything, will be interested in your drum drop spindles.
Sorry to hear you feel that way about your bus. I used mine for 7 years and did loads in it; Euro Disney, numerous shows etc. Then went through some real downs with it following a bodged engine build and ensuing court case. Got sorted 4 years ago, but then moved house, extension, full refurb and I lost interest. I got the passion back again now, and thank god I bought things when I did as prices are daft now. Only thing I really need is drum drop spindles, but they are like hens teeth.
Don't want to be the one that Tips your decision, but if you do decide to sell everything, will be interested in your drum drop spindles.
Cheers, I've had some amazing vw's over the years and lots of keepers until house, children etc took priority! I've been out of the scene for a while so unsure of demand for parts. I don't want to sell a few bits and be stuck with loads that I can't get rid of!
I have a pot of "bus money" I am hoping with that and getting some cash for all the parts I might be able to get a half tidy bug maybe!
My van has good doors etc, Westy interior, loads of new rubbers, some new panels Inc green (klassicfab) cab floor.
I might post something to gauge demand? Cheers Dale

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