Another cyclist here been doing it all my life - BMX in the 80s, then mountain biking, then probably for the last 15 years, road. I joined a club about 5 years ago, which adds a bit of structure and means I've always got someone to go out with. Probably go once or twice a week, total up to about 140k. Also spend quite a bit of time with family, chilling in the kitchen cooking stuff and drinking wine and beer. I got into surfing about 10 years ago and try and get away to Devon/Cornwall a few times a year, I've not really done enough of it to be that good, but I enjoy it. Also run and go to the gym a couple of times a week to try and fight the aging process! I'm hoping to go on more surf trips as my kids are both at uni from next week and I'll have a lot more time on my hands.