1600 engine questions

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which carbs are best im in the same situ. solex or the webers. says that the solex come with electronic chokes.
im in same situ, im 1600 basic sp have electronic ignition in 009, my carb is worn out and cant decide, twin carbs obviosly but solex with electronic choke or webers.
I was just gonna go for this but spent all my dosh, http://www.lowbugget.com/turbo_new_page_link.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
monkiboy said:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop telling him to use the eletronic ignition kits!


I have had several "Break-Down" on me AND you get more POWER & TORQUE with "Points & condenser" ;)

I have been saying this for ages in several different threads........

THEY ARE RUBBISH! Sorry Rant Over guys & girls :lol:

Oh and yes the Engle 100 is a Great Cam!

I'm going to pull you up on this one too Lee... How does a points and condensor unit produce more power and torque over a electronic unit?

All you're doing is switching the method of firing the coil... the dwell (coil charge time) will be optimal all the time... what will give you more power and torque is a stronger spark, so an uprated coil would realistically be the way forward, along with a electronic unit!! ;)

I've fitted several of these now...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120763002792?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

No complaints so far, and for me I'm not having to run out on call outs as point sets have worn the cam follower in less than 200 miles :eek:
6v systems can be interesting at the best of times... How were you running an electronic ignition on it..? Was it 6v? Never looked to see if you can get them!!
I wouldn't have ponied up £120 for one, so I do feel your pain on that one...

Electronic stuff has some interesting running voltages... So 6v isn't a normal chip running voltage... 5v is, as is 9 to 15v... So it all depends on what they'd put in place to stabilize the voltage and protect it from spikes
Been working on camper today and thought I have a look at the engine. Turns out it's a twin port not a single, silly me. What sort of carbs would be best for this?
Kaboosie said:
Been working on camper today and thought I have a look at the engine. Turns out it's a twin port not a single, silly me. What sort of carbs would be best for this?

You could pop on some weber ICTs or 40 Weber IDFs/Dell DRlAs

The latter give you the option of a bigger engine at a later date, but the ICTs will work on up to a 2l engine 8)
I think 36 dells or webers will work best on a 1641.
Speak to Eurocarb they'll set you straight, lots to get right - Venturis, jets, etc
Paul Weeding said:
It's all about choke sizes... With 40 carbs you'd have a 30 or 32mm choke fitted...

So what's best for a 1641 then? Assume it doesn't matter what size the carbs are if they've got the right chokes? What are the limitations on choke size for 36's or 40's?
madmike said:
Most 40 IDF's come with 28mm vents,,,perfect for 1641cc
jetting that will be close is.
200 airs
115 mains
50 idles

Cool, thanks Mike.
Up to what cc are 36's good for?