4-1=3 or, you picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel :-(

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Barnstaple - North Devon coast

First trip out after having extensive paint etc on the rear of the bus - and then this happens, 20 miles into a 230 mile trip........ :evil: (Well 2nd trip if you included nipping to the shop, but thats only 3-4 miles!)

I suddenly noticed a noise from my front wheel, stopped on the edge of the road, yanked on the wheel, nothing untoward that i could feel, aside from the brake drum running hot (more on this l8r) carried on slowly, no more than 15-20mph, as a knew a layby was only maybe 200-300yds away, but probably after half way to this, bang, the van lurched to one side, and came to a sliding halt - with the wheel coming off and resting a few yards ahead of the van, it seemed like it was sliding for ages, but wasn't, the girlfriend was screaming, the baby was screaming, i was fffing and geoffing pulling at the steering.......luckilly no one was hurt, just shaken up.

There was very little warning, and if i hadn't had slowed down, and just carried on at 50mph it could have ended very differently, especially if it was on the M5 which is where we were heading........

:msn4: Quite like the lowerzzz :msn4: The gouge in the tarmac starts about at the rear of the police car.








Unfortunaly the van took a bit of a beating when the wheel came off, as you can see, it has pushed up the wheel arch, pulled it out and folded it back and ripped it away from the spot welds on the post, taking the paint around the lower sill area. It has also pushed up the double skin in the edge of the seat tub area, near where the door closes, but you can't see this unless you look underneath, the door gap has closed up at the bottom a little too

I haven't looked to see if anymore damage has been done to the beam or drum backing plate since we got it back home, i really am not happy and can't even be bothered to look at the crappy thing :evil: Though i need to get it sorted, we are supposed to go away to Dubs at the Castle in a few weeks. :( :roll:

I rang Carl @ Beetlebank, as he had done the paintwork etc the week before, he kindly came out with some new bolts, and jacked it up and swapped the wheels over. You can see where the wheel has damage the bolts, and the area where the bolts go, you can also see the gouges on the inner wheel where the drum rubbed, prior to wheel bye bye

I have yet to speak to him properly about all of this, as we have just come back from our trip. We didn't want to risk driving the bus any distance, and to be honest really didn't want to, so we hired a car for a few days, £105 - safe in the knowledge that the wheels are more than likely gonna stay on this one! :lol: Bummer, as just treated the bus to £50 of fuel.

I have a idea that i think i know what caused this to happen, fresh powder coated wheels, with paint around the bolt holes, even where tightened, perhaps if the paint cracks when tightened may work loose - especially if compounded by the heat from the brake drum???
I vaguely remember a thread about this, perhaps on the SSVC, with hindsight, if i knew the blasted wheel was about to drop off i may have checked all this :?: And if it wasn't wide 5 and had a center boss on the wheel like a normal car, change are it wouldn't have happened so suddenly, there is nothing to support to center of the wide 5 wheel, so if it comes loose, it will likely undo the bolts very quickly?

All in all a very bad weekend i dont want to repeat in a hurry, coupled by a poorly baby who started teething Sat night whilst we were away - oh happy days!!


Sorry to here about this mate, it seems to happen on a regular basis for some reason. I ranfresh powdercoated wheels before and never had a problem although i have heard about this as a reason before. Good to here everyone is safe, thats the main thin i suppose......if their is a bright side.
fritz68 said:
ive got some new coated wheels in the garage!!!

guess what im doing with a dremel tomorrow?? :roll:

Ah, you gonna be buggering the wheel arch too? :lol:

Maybe not a issue, unless the brakes run/get hot, maybe not hot a lot, but perhaps enough to allow differing metals to expand?

Wish move for everyone with powder coated or freshly painted wheels i think.

clyde said:
Sorry to here about this mate, it seems to happen on a regular basis for some reason. I ranfresh powdercoated wheels before and never had a problem although i have heard about this as a reason before. Good to here everyone is safe, thats the main thin i suppose......if their is a bright side.

Yes, all safe thanks, but i must admit, it was only once Carl arrived that i think the adrenaline had gone by then - i did feel a little shaky thinking about what could have happened...... :shock:

I just wanted to get the bus back home and carry on and try to not let it spoil our weekend any more than it had. We managed to hire aa car a few hours later, so managed some chill out time at home before swapping the contents of the bus across to the hire car - which with hindsite, we should have gone for a bigger one, you can't fit much in the boot of a 207! You forget how much space you have in the bus......

I did forget to mention that a kind passer by turned around when he saw me holding the baby at the side of the road - he thought i had a puncture, and know i would struggle with a baby, the other half was just getting some stuff out from inside, he didnt see her. He offered to et my girlfriend and baby wait in his car on the other side of the road where the other layby was until the garage turned up.
Turned out his son in law was a copper, and he knew the officer who turned up on the scene after a call from a member of the public saying there was a tyre in the road - in fact it didn't bounce that far - covered a fair distance mind! And with hubcap still attached - ha! good clips on that wheel!
Absolutely gutted for you :( but very glad to hear no one got hurt.

Sounds like the powder coat may well have been the problem. I've known this happen to a couple of good friends over the years, one got away lightly but one wrote off his Karmann Ghia (as you say, much nastier if it happens at speed on a motorway...) and I've been paranoid about it ever since.
exact same thing happened to me with freshly powdercoated wheels,rear drivers side wheel threw 2 bolts and
loosened the others about 5 miles into our journey.wheel was torqued correctly and luckily for me this
happened just before we hit the motorway :shock:
aogrady said:
I vaguely remember a thread about this, perhaps on the SSVC, with hindsight, if i knew the blasted wheel was about to drop off i may have checked all this :?:

I think it was Moler and the Jet Rocket, same thing happened except it was one of his rear wheels but the tubs kept it from falling off!
Sorry to hear this Al but glad you are all OK, worth checking wheelnuts before any trip, seen a few wheels fall off recently!!
Glad your OK mate, shame about the bus, look on the bright side you guys are all unharmed and the bus can be fixed.........

Glad everyone is OK Alistair, but having had this happen to me on the M5 I know just how you were feeling.

Timely reminder for me to check my new powder coated wheels, I was just going to check the wheel nuts were tight enough after having new tyres fitted but think I'll be looking a little closer
So glad you are okay dooder! 8)

Please can everyone remember that if they have had their wheels powdercoated to remove the bit around the nut, as it has happened to many times that a wheel has come off and one of these days its going to do someone some harm. Luckily everyone was okay.

I personally would have thought that if the wheels had been done by a vw dealer, they would have taken care of this :?: poor show imo if not.
Shit dude.....glad you and the family were ok.

Not good at all but im sure your information about powdercoat has helped a lot of people!!
WOW,man I'm gutted for you & flippin 'eck what a shocker as you're driving!!!!. :shock:

Sooo glad everyone OK.
Great thought on the powder coat/wheel nut - makes sense! Thanks for sharing the knowledge Alistair - you may have saved lives without knowing it! I also have a set of freshly powder coated wide 5's in the garage....you guessed it.I'll do it after work tonight.

keep us updated on repair progress mate.on a lighter note,you'll be telling that story to the little one for years to come...."the day we lost a wheel"

Kind Regards - Rob
glad you are all ok, same thing happened to me in a bug about 20 years ago.

can laugh about it now.

why do the wheels always go off faster ahead of the car??

one of mine came loose due to the exact same thing.managed to stop and identify the problem before the wheel opend the side of the van up.gutted for ya bud.i dident know that it was such a comon thing until i read this thread.
Same thing happend to me recently (3 weeks ago).
Freshly painted wheels just fitted for the 1st time.
Wheel bolts were DEFINATELY tight.
NSR brake drum was getting hot due to new rear shoes (and me over adjusting em :roll: ).
Pulled over, removed my hubcap and all 4 wheel bolts were hanging out.
No damage done thankfully!


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