68 Western Panel Van - Operation On The Road!

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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Hi - i`m had a few vw`s over the years but have never owned a van before - i`ve always been after an early bay panel van and finally got the cash together to purchase one :)

i sold my T4 van to finance this - i had a nightmare with the t4 and had to spend a fortune on repairs - so much for modern reliability! - so i`ve decided to use this as my everyday vehicle and go totally aircooled where i can do any repairs and servicing myself and (hopefully!) i know what i`m doing! i do a 60 mile round trip to work and back in all weathers so its got to be reliable and tip top running wise.

anyway only being able to afford a project really, i ended up buying a 68 panel van from graham at midland early bay. He very kindly delivered it all the way down to the south coast for me on thursday and i thought i`d start a sort of diary of getting it on the road.

It a 68 model built in november 67 and was used for the last 15 years or so as an advertising hoarding for western vw garage near las vegas, nevada. Its stood on the side of the road all that time and i think everything removable apart from the doors and wheels have been thieved off it! The good thing is though that there isn`t any rot or rust in it anyway - the inside and underneath is pristine ;) Obviously the outside looks a little 'weathered'!

Here`s a couple of pics of it from the US -




Here it is on thursday - i think it was probably the first time it had ever seen rain, so my top priority is to get it watertight and all sealed.


I went underneath cautiously (i had been warned about black widows and i`m not keen on common spiders!) - after scraping off any loose underseal, a large amount of original paint was revealed -



I blasted it with a large amount of schultz underneath and then proceeded to fill all the sill and cross members with cavity wax - it was pouring out of the water drain holes so hopefully i got a good coating inside. I then applied a good coating of ankor wax to whole exterior.

Saturday, i opened the van to find a puddle of water in the cab floor and a small pool under the front screen surround - not good! Checking all the seals, no suprises but they`re all holey and rock hold welded into the grooves - so new seals on the shopping list. I managed to fit the sliding door one and oil, grease the latch mechanism so shuts alot better.


have to get some cab door seals and next weekend will have the front and rear screen seals replaced too.

The only welding required on the van is in the off side battery tray as its currently made of wood!


i thought the battery had probably leaked at some point, but whe i removed the wood, it was like some had cut it open in the middle then peeled it back lack a sardine can - bizarre! - i have no explanation for this but it still meant i had to repair it, so i cut it out -


and welded a new one in. my welder was playing up at first (turned out i had the wrong setting for my wire diameter) so the first welds wern`t great but i sorted the welder out and everything was a lot better and sprayed with some zinc primer -


hopefully the welder can go back into storage now!

As i said, the van was pretty much stripped so i had to source an engine which i ot a couple fo weeks ago - a 1600 from a 70 van - the van had been sat for a number of years and the engine looked like it had been sat in a garden for a long time! but - it doesn`t have any endfloat, it did actually start up and run and i got it with everything i need to bolt it in for a very reasonable price.



so i `ve started stripping it and renewing all the seals, etc. It had a seized valve so i knocked that back and we`ll see how it goes when i eventually get it into the van!

well, next weekend i imagine i`ll be fitting seals and finish prepping the engine!

cheers, mike
damn this bus has potential, nice for you that its pretty rustfree!!
Keep them pics coming, love to see a fast going project like this.
Get it on the road man!
You're a lucky man, I remember seeing this for sale ages ago and wanting it! 8)
Slammed said:
You're a lucky man, I remember seeing this for sale ages ago and wanting it! 8)

Ditto - and then suggestions of running it down a strip :shock: - been looking forward to it surfacing and looks like it's going to be on the road and out 'n about to make up for those years of sitting around :D

What are you planning to do with the paint? Leave as is or attempt to uncover the rest of the livery?
ANOTHER Panel van thread that i will be following with interest , I do love my panel vans 8)
Looks like the makings of a good project van 8)

keep us suckers updated with plenty of pics ;)
Thanks for the comments - i`m well pleased with it and can`t wait to get it on the road (my girlfriend can`t wait either but for other reasons , like she`ll see me again at the weekends!)

Paint wise, its definitely going to be tidied up a bit - i can`t really go round in a graffitied van! I`ll keep as much of the sign writing that i can and the dents are staying :mrgreen:

looking forward to the weekend to get back on it!
Check the Panel van porn thread in gallery for inspiration dude ;) Best of luck with resto 8)
Looks like your panel has got loads going for it dude!

What are the plans.....? Other than a daily driver??
plan is to just get it on the road at the moment :mrgreen:

well - managed to get on with seals this saturday - had a couple of friends over from the local garage to fit the seals on the front and rear windscreens - not something i`d liek to attempt!

i have to admit i`ve never seen seals like them - the front one was like stone - we literally had to knock it off bit by bit with a hammer and screwdriver !

once it was out though, the surround looked in perfect condition -


and then fitted with a lovely new rubber! -


i also got a full cab door seal set for both front doors - wasn`t as diffcult as i thought to fit them - here`s the door after being stripped down - nice and clean :)


quarter lights-


no pics of them in but they fit pretty well.

next up, i decided to get the gearbox in i`d bought - needed a bit of cleaning up and also fitted a reverse switch in there as i`ll need the US reversing lights where i live!


also replaced the bushes on the shift rod up front , the ones on the main shaft looked in pretty good condition so i left them alone -


refitted the gear stick and after getting very confused as to where reverse is (i thought i didn`t have a 1st gear at all (!) - i actually had it in reverse when i thought it was 2nd) i seem to have a pretty good selection :)


i tried to fit the fit the clutch cable and to my suprise discovered someone had swiped the mechanism which connects the cable to the pedal underneath! i tried to take a photo of where it would be but just got some badly taken pics of an arm that someone had left lying under the van :lol:


heres a better (ish) pic - you can just see the hole that goes through the chassis leg - it has 2 bolt holes either side. if anyone has a better pic of his or whats it meant to look like, woudl they be able to post it? also - i don`t even know if this mechanism is 68 only, early or the same all the way through the bay window years - can any one help!?


cheers, mike
had the afternoon off work today - thought i`d take out the fuel tank to make sure its all ok before i fit the engine hopefully this weekend - turns outs it was full of a thick residue in the bottom - argh!

after a bit of research, it turns out that if fuel is left to stand for long enough, it turns to a sort of varnish! pretty difficult to remove it by all accounts!

i`ll be breaking out the acetone tomorrow to see if i can get rid of the gunge!
lol - just looked at the frost kit and i think i have everything in it already - i`ll give the marine clean a ago and see what happens - thanks for the link :)
when i looked i didnt have that marineclean fon frost - must have got lost when we moved house. anyway, i poured a whole bottle of acetone on that i had handy along with a load of nuts, shook it occasionally and let it stand for most of the day. When i cleaned it out later, the acetone had eaten away all the varnish in there - rinsed it out and it looks great :D

had to weld the fuel tank straps back to gether where someone had tried to nick the tank a some point, tank back in and job done.

today i finally got round to fitting the drive shafts, cv joints and new axle boots - a very messy job. no pics as my hands were far to full of grease to think about handling a camera!

finally, remember the engine i got hold of? well it cleaned up pretty well and i also managed to get it in the van today - well pleased!


in the van -


van has got a full drivetrain for the first time in years :mrgreen:

i briefly checked the wiring in the engine bay yesterday and it looks like everything is there that i need apart from wires to the regulator and having to repair a few bits and pieces so after xmas i `ll be going through the ignition, fitting exhaust and heat exchangers and possibly trying the key 8)

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