Hi all been a while since i've updated this thread.
Been quite busy on the bus with finishing the welding and prep work, but pleased to say that the ole girl is now painted and MOT'ed and all road legal.
So a few pics, not done to well as they are off my mobile as some scrote broke intop my car and nicked a load of gear including my camera with all the pics on it :evil: :evil:
Masked ready for topcoap
and then magically all painted :lol: :lol:
once she was dry and hard enough transported home for fit up
a few little jobs left, like working out how to bolt the rear bumper on as there are no bolt holes in the rear chassis legs,
and she keeps cutting out at junctions
Also managed our first trip away, to a place called Sandy Balls Campsite (interesting name)
Bus ran a dream apart from the horn going off every time we turned left!