Advice needed

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Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to purchase my first van. I have very little knowledge of what to look for and what I need to be wary of when purchasing a camper. Could do with someone coming to check a van out with me in leytonstone. I'll happily cover your expenses and give you a small fee for your time. Really excited about purchasing a van just don't want to make a bad decision on purchasing my first. PM if you think you could help.
take a look at this online guide it may help if you cant get anyone to go with you." onclick=";return false;

good luck. :D
In Essex and work in East London if that's any help. No expert but I can tell a crap bus from a good one and I won't take any money!
Give me a shout if u need advice or a look at a bus.

Lee 07904 123445

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