After all that I'm not enjoying driving her :?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
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Near Winchester
12 years saying I'm going to restore her and 2 years after starting work she's finally on the road and I am happier in the passat :?

I have never driven a lowered bus before and its a bit harsh but I could probably get used to that, its the new smells and noises that worry me 'what if she catches fire?' or something falls off lol or I scratch the new paint.

The steering is so heavy its not doing my arthritic shoulder any good and I forgot all about the 70's braking power, the gears are still hard to find and she doesn't want to go up any sort of hill :?

But she looks so pretty sat on the drive and when I have taken her out its lovely to get all the smiles and waves :)

I am considering selling her now and keep thinking what a great holiday me and the boys would have and I could still get a very decent camper of some sort as well.

What do people think? pass her on to someone younger who can have loads of fun in her or keep going and get used to it and sort out all the little jobs left to do like the interior?
Oh no :shock:

I understand you concerns but only you can decide what you want to do.
Perhaps don't rush into any decision yet (the brakes can be sorted with a servo and electric power steering can be fitted) and see how it goes - if after a full month of ownership and driving, then make your decision :msn4:
the resto is just the beginning. loads of guys on here do a bus. then constantly tweak and improve to get them to fit in better with what they want out of the bus. anything is possible but obviously costs. t4's make a good camper but they dont give you any sense of acheivment as they alway get where they are going. get some more use out of it before you make your decision as it will grow on you. :D
Once you get used to the smells(?), poor brakes and lack of power steering the smiles per mile will make it all worth while :D
Personally if i could get the MPG to something more like a modern car then i'd drive it as my daily. I love sitting totally relaxed at 55 not having to worry about should i overtake or not :lol:
I would think that is a fairly common reaction as you have had the bus for so long and imagined what it would be like to drive and stuff. Guess its best to remember it is 40 years old so will be very different to modern car on the road. Agree with Gninnam about keeping it and using it for a month or 2 and then decide.
Bet you keep it!
froggy said:
Once you get used to the smells(?), poor brakes and lack of power steering the smiles per mile will make it all worth while :D
Personally if i could get the MPG to something more like a modern car then i'd drive it as my daily. I love sitting totally relaxed at 55 not having to worry about should i overtake or not :lol:

I think you need to give it a little time. When we got the van last year I really didn't enjoy the first couple of trips but then you begin to know what're normal noises and smells :) I felt a little uncomfortable driving it for the first time this year after winter as it had been about 4 months, soon got used to it again.

As said above though if it is affecting your health then it's a different story I guess.
I wish I could afford to keep them both on the road but its one or the other and I have to be sensible, I need a reliable motor to take my son for hospital visits and although I'm sure she will be as every little thing is brand new, there is always that element of doubt

I used to love breaking down it was all part of the fun but times have changed :(

However I have spoken to my hubby about it and he says he will leave me if I sell her, think he loves her more than me :lol:
type2tattoo said:
However I have spoken to my hubby about it and he says he will leave me if I sell her, think he loves her more than me :lol:
give it to him as part of the divorce settlement :lol: :lol: :lol:
:shock: youve got a real dilema on youre hands there pal, i have to agree with the others dont do anything hasty if you know anyone with a van that has power steering or a better braking system fitted then see if you can have a drive of theres and if you feel thats made a great improvement then you can invest the money on youres what you dont want is to spend even more and still decide its got to go these old vans are little charactors no two drive or feel the same and they do have soul having lovingly restored and owned 4 campers and sold them its still a very hard choice...i hope this helps :mrgreen:
i cant believe am going to say this BUT :eek: :shock: :eek: raise it up :eek: :shock: :eek:

not only will you get the comfort and smoothness back, the ride will allow you to relax a little :)

if everythings new and tightened up tight, it wont let you down :) (saying that after getting a call off a mate who hadn't tightened his front wheel up on his split an it fell off :lol: luckally its not low so no damage done just litrilly rolled off an he stopped :lol: )

take it for a long drive away for the weekend and it will remind you whey you got it :D

As has been said dood, go away for the weekend in it and give it a good drive, of course they will never really compare to a modern car for comfort and ease etc, but think that you are being different from the drones and its an actual driving experience rather than just pushing the pedal down and warming up the heated seats ;)
type2tattoo said:
However I have spoken to my hubby about it and he says he will leave me if I sell her, think he loves her more than me :lol:
Any chance of your husband buying the van off you so you can borrow the bus when you feel like it :D We have the same thing but opposite, ours is registered in Sally's name but she's only driven it once :lol:

RE: Heavy steering, I only notice this at low speeds so a little for-thought on carparks and it's generally not a problem.
In terms of reliability and paintwork, these can be kept at the highest standard providing you can commit the time and money, it looks like it shouldn't be a problem considering the work you have done 8)
A few things you can do that will improve your driving an empi bus shifter, this will help the gear changes no end...a servo (if the bus hasn't got one ) will help is the van lowered? If on adjusters it will be harsh...consider dropped spindles...consider a red 9 wishbone set up...have a firetec system in the engine compartement for piece of mind. All these things cost money I know but they could be just have to go with the flow when driving an early bus (I have a split and if you think early bays are a challenge try a split :lol: ) and half the fun is taming the little idiosyncracies of each bus until man (or woman) works in sweet harmony...keep the faith :D
I had a bus at stock height and stock steering wheel and the steering was very light.

My lowered bus had heavy steering but changing to transporterhaus dropped spindles has made it much lighter and nicer to drive.

Tyre pressures and wheel alignment can also make a big difference so worth checking if you haven't already.

It would be a shame to let someone else benefit from all of your hard work. :(
Cheers for the encouragement people :) just spoke to my son who says he will disown me if I sell her, I mentioned an Empi shifter for Mothers Day ;) :lol:

I hope I 'bond' with her a bit more, I think all the hard work and let downs put me off a bit and the thought of spending more money is a bit scary. She was my daily drive for 10 years and then I had another one after that so I should be loving it :? We will see how it goes when the weather gets better :)
NO,,,,,,,,,, Don`t do anything rash that you may end up regretting,, Go back to stock height if you want more comfy ness or T Haus stuff which is pretty good. Maybe test drive a few local busses and then emulate what they got. I`ll be the first to let you test drive mine if you is anywhere near Brizzal any time. After driving mine,, yours will be a piece of cake and you`ll love it !! :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Try it different ways,,, :lol: 8) :lol:

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