alternator stand

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Well-known member
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Mar 30, 2011
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when i trashed my alternator i decided to buy a new stand. The new stand fitted i noticed there was a very small gap between alternator itself and the stand. When i tightened the strap there was a slight dip in the alternator. now i am trying to tighten my fan belt it is not tightening and i am wondering if this is all related. Could i put a small piece of rubber or Ali in between the 2 to lift the alternator slightly or would this have a detrimental effect. Anyone had this before?
Sorry, never come across this before, but it certainly doesn't sound right to me. The alternator should be a snug fit onto the cradle of the stand, making even contact along the entire interface. If there is a gap as you say then possibly the tinware is not correctly seated in place, or the wrong stand, or the correct gaskets missing under the stand. Others may have some different thoughts....
Peter Good
Check for the correct fitment of the fan shroud as suggested, it can be that the shroud is overlaping one of the sides of the cylinder tins and is not fully seated. If left that way, when you tighten the strap the alternator will be skewe and the fan will rub on the shroud.
Started van today the fan was squealing like a pig and rubbing like hell. Stripped it all out again :evil: then give the tin ware a bloody good shiggle. Got it back together now sweet as a nut. As quiet as an air cooled engine can be and the belt now fits properly. Cheers all :D