Anchor wax underbody (now how to apply waxoyl)

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
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Has anyone anchor waxed the underbody of their van? I have started to remove the waxoyl under the van when the van was renovated 4 years ago and am really pleased with the condition of the underside of the van. What I am also liking is seeing everything clean and allowing me to notice were seals etc need replacing, oil leaks etc. whereas before, they were covered in wayoyl and this went unnoticed. I was going to paint the underside with POR 15 but I am now thinking of treating the rust spots with something and then anchor waxing it with a clear wax. Has anyone else done this?
Good idea, but I think it would take a long time to apply the Anchor Wax to get the same coverage as spraying Waxoil.

What about the clear Waxoil? :?
Now that is something I had not thought of :)

I am just looking for something that will kill the rust first and then looking for a suitable protection. I have steered away from Waxoyl as I am sick and tired of getting covered in the stuff every time I do something under the van. This is way I was going to go the POR 15 route. But now I am began to wonder if this is not a good move as once it is applied, there is no going back as this stuff ain't ever coming off. At least you can get waxoyl off if you ever need to.......decisions, decisions.
I ankor wax the undersides of buses. Spray it on with a compressor . Does a good job and can be removed if you want in the future.
TakeLifeEasy said:
Now that is something I had not thought of :)

I am just looking for something that will kill the rust first and then looking for a suitable protection. I have steered away from Waxoyl as I am sick and tired of getting covered in the stuff every time I do something under the van. This is way I was going to go the POR 15 route. But now I am began to wonder if this is not a good move as once it is applied, there is no going back as this stuff ain't ever coming off. At least you can get waxoyl off if you ever need to.......decisions, decisions.

How about:

1. Pressure wash.
2. Clean particularly dirty areas with a light wire brush (plastic to protect paint) and White Sprit.
3. Let everything dry.
4. Repair rust and touch-up any chipped paint:
4A. (Depends how you have painted your chassis, but I would go with:) Metal wire wheel back to metal.
4B. Rust treatment solution (Metal Ready from POR15 / Eastwoods etc) or Vinegar water (if using Vinegar water, work in with a Scotch (sp?) pad) and allow to dry.
4C. Clean the area with White Sprit and Scotch pad.
4D. Then use either a dusting of primer and go to #4E OR A couple of coats of POR15 if you are using that 'system' and go to #5.
4E. Good few coats of Eastwoods Chassis Black or something similar.
5. A couple of coats of clear or black Waxoil.

busdiver said:
UPOL "RAPTOR"..............??


I just had to look that up! :shadey:

Looks amazing and durable, but, you need a compressor and spray-gun setup for it as opposed to the manual hand-pump Waxoil.
what about the blithammer wax products, they do some very large aerosol cans which I have used to do my cavities :lol:
Decided to take the following approach -

1). Strip old waxoyl off with white spirit (turns out it is not waxoyl and some kind of other oil).

2). Use a grease remover to ensure all the oil and grease is off.

3). Treat surface rust with AquaSteel rust remover.

4). Apply 2 coats of black Waxoyl using a paint brush so it does not cover up all the electrics etc.

5). Finally spray inside box sections with Waxoyl.

The protection that was sprayed under my van was just some mix of oil and that is why i was getting covered in it. Tried some Waxoyl and it dries much more than I thought!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
TakeLifeEasy said:
I will keep updating this link with the pictures -

I didn't know you could link to your Google Drive like that! :D I might finally be able to stop using buggy Photobucket with ads all of the place. :roll:

TakeLifeEasy said:
Not really happy with the finish the paintbrush is providing. I have also tried a rag and a sponge paint brush but they are leaving too many brush strokes even after 2 coats. Apart from using a sprayer, anyone else got any suggestions?

How about one of these buddy:" onclick=";return false;

It's a manual, hand-operated spray gun.

If the Waxoil is too thick to be sucked up into the gun, you just need to thin out the Waxoil first using White Spirt and / or heat it up in a bucket of hot water. Although, you should not need to do that in this warm weather :party0021: 8)
Thanks, maybe an option as I am thinking to get the nice finish, spraying maybe the only option. Either that or a very fine brush.

Just been looking at this and wonder if this would be any good with the waxoyl sprayer guns?
I think that inflator is just for tyres.

If you do not want to do it manually by the hand-pump spray gun, and want a compressor, you could try one of these:" onclick=";return false;
Looks like I missed out on that deal as Aldi have ended it :-(
I have not read very good reports on the manual pump sprayer so not sure if they are any good? I was going to pop into B&Q to see if they sell very fine haired paint brushes to see if this would help reducing the brush marks. Never thought it would look as bad as it does :-(

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