Annoying twok calls

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Jan 5, 2012
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Over the bridge in Scotland
So my job involves me speaking to people all over Europe and regularly with German customers so a couple of weeks ago a 49 number pops up on my mobile, I am busy to I press answer and the call drops.
On closer inspection it is not a +49 number, but a UK 049 number.

To be precise it is 0493031877934. I have now received a few calls from this number and always the same, the call drops as soon as I pick up. I tried to call them back on Skype (to avoid giving my number) but it is an out bound call only. So, who the feck is it and any ideas on how to stop it ? I am TPS registered.
Nothing comes up on Google really, usually plenty of comments if it's a company of somesort
There are a lot of similar numbers on the whocallsme web site, all appear to be overseas based and somewhat aggressive. You probably do well NOT to speak to them, or even to pick the phone up. B*st*rds.
I've been seeing an increase in call centre type calls to my home number, when I ask how come they are calling as I'm TPS registered they quickly hang-up .... need to find out how to report them as there's no point in TPS if people ignore it with impunity :evil:

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