Anti puncture resin

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Bigbear said:
Mr Brightside said:
Well it's not actually 15mm really, a 15mm nail or bar does not actually leave a 15mm hole as the tyre stretches to a degree & then closed up afterwards, still leaves a hole, but not 15mm.

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There is a chap on here that knows a thing or two about tyres, and I had a tiny little chat with him before I let them do mine. The chap doing it did start to say something about high speed but I told him I rarely go past 70 - 80 mph, and he then said it wouldn`t apply to me then :roll: No wheel wobble to report on the A roads or on the motorway at 70 - 80 mph ;) So far I`m impressed and I`m guessing the liquid will be just layered around the underside of the tread until required. But nuffink bad to report I`m afraid :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Fingers crossed maybe :mrgreen:
I have a friend who runs a tyre supply and repair bussines and he hates the suff. Not that he gets less repairs but when the solution wont repair hole its uneconomical to repair as even when inside tyre has been steamed out repair patches will not adhere to tyre, much to anoyance of customers who have buy new tyres. He's there to make money but when a £10 puncture turns into an expensive new tyre customers are not pleased. By all means try it but don't expect miracles, if it that good why do manufactuers of expensive cars fit run flat tyres. Big difference in price,one's proven the other not!!
:!: :)
dustrat said:
I have a friend who runs a tyre supply and repair bussines and he hates the suff. Not that he gets less repairs but when the solution wont repair hole its uneconomical to repair as even when inside tyre has been steamed out repair patches will not adhere to tyre, much to anoyance of customers who have buy new tyres. He's there to make money but when a £10 puncture turns into an expensive new tyre customers are not pleased. By all means try it but don't expect miracles, if it that good why do manufactuers of expensive cars fit run flat tyres. Big difference in price,one's proven the other not!!
:!: :)

Hi Robert, you are bang on there with some of the solutions available till now, but this is completely different and is waterbased. Apparently you can tip this stuff out of your tyres and pour it into your new ones when you change tyres. It is fairly modern (read new) but the military and a lot of councils and earth movers etc are using the stuff. You might be right that because it`s so new, there may be some unknown side effects. On the side of the punctures though, if the solution dosen`t seal it then there would have to be a huge hole in the tyre that I wouldn`t want patched anyway, so possibly beyond repair. This debate will go on and on for a few years until we either accept it and it`s wonderfull and we don`t ever have flat tyres again :p Or there will be nasty side effects and all our willies will fall off and we`ll grow tits :shock: :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Might not be so bad ;) :roll: ;)
Point taken ozziedog. We will have to wait and see what reports come in .Times change and new products come along. I remember when tubeless tyres were first brought out !!Bloody hell I'm showing my age now.
:) :)
I've already started to grow tits but thankfully willie is still there ! :)

Why didn't I buy my bus years ago !?
I've just been to a tyre recycling plant in Denmark and was told that some thing similar to this but it's like a sticky gel. It has been tried in truck tyres for sometime by Goodyear and Pirelli and Continental are putting it in car tyres. It's an alternative to a run flat, down side is they can't be recycled as the gel can't be turned into granuals only burnt off, so if there is problems with recycling they may not be around for long unless a solution is found.

If the liquid stuff you have had put in your tyres is reactive with air, how can it be swap from tyre to tyre?
radish said:
I've just been to a tyre recycling plant in Denmark and was told that some thing similar to this but it's like a sticky gel. It has been tried in truck tyres for sometime by Goodyear and Pirelli and Continental are putting it in car tyres. It's an alternative to a run flat, down side is they can't be recycled as the gel can't be turned into granuals only burnt off, so if there is problems with recycling they may not be around for long unless a solution is found.

If the liquid stuff you have had put in your tyres is reactive with air, how can it be swap from tyre to tyre?

Now you are getting tecky on me :lol: I`m guessing that while it`s still in a pool and not being spread too thin it`ll stay liquid. The main ingredients if you check their site, seems to be various sizes of strands of various ingredients that mesh as they come through the hole and something about polymers i think that fill in between. Check out the site and see what you think. It wasn`t a gel though because he let air out of my tyres then pumped this stuff in then reinflated the tyres to the required PSI. :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Only time will tell ;)
I see now, i thought it would be a chemical reaction. So It's basically like women's bloody hair blocking the plug hole, clever if it works.
I doubt it'll blow out of a valve if it's a puddle of liquid in the bottom of a tyre.
To be honest it's not for me, but the gel lining looks good.

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