Anyone By VW Heritage - URGENT

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Active member
Jan 19, 2012
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex
This is a long shot, but we desperately need to get some parts from VW Heritage before they shut at 4pm of our campers is out on hire tomorrow & can't get pins we need anywhere.

Dan has set off but as we're in Essex not sure he'll get there. Just wondered if there was anyone near by who could collect parts before they close today for us, & Dan can come collect (as on his way anyway) It's only a couple of pins for the brakes so nothing large & I can pay heritage over the phone.

If you don't ask you don't get and all that

Not exactly by Heritage but in Brighton. If you really are desperate I could go up to B'Hill and collect but you'll have to come to Brighton to get them.

Just wanted to say thank you for your time and apologies for hassle. Can't believe I couldn't pay for them over the phone despite regularly paying over the phone for delivery!!

Both me & Dan really appreciate your offer, and Dan is now frantically trying to get to them before they shut.

thanks once again
Just got back.

Hope he can get there in time. Did you ask them if they can hang back a while to give hime time to get there?
