Did some tarting about on ours after reading a few of the threads on the samba (there's loads over there, their obsessed with it! :lol: ). Here's the results survey:
Scraper. Works. slow as hell. and curved bits will end up with nicks and other not so jollies

. Got bored with that one!
Thinners. Tried a couple of different tins that had lying about. Neither did much of anything useful.
Acetone. Now your talking. Cheapest way to try this out is by using cheap nail polish remover (tip, the posh stuff is too friendly, you want the cheapest of the cheap, the one that's so chemical it makes your eyes water). Softens the paint up lovely then you just scrub it off with ultra fine wire wool. If it works you can buy acetone in bulk for not much too
Graffiti remover. Got a tub of Swarfega brand stuff from somewhere. Works much better / quicker on the thicker area of spray (have two coats to contend with!). But need to be careful to thoroughly wash down afterwards.
Over cleaner. Only tried this once, it was far too scarey! The yanks love it but suspect the stuff I tried was a bit too keen :shock:
Overall, the acetone and the graffiti remover works best on ours but it was a process of trial and error working it out - yours may be painted with something completely different, so you may get different results. And it's very messy work. And don't get your hopes up too much for what's under there. Progress was abandonned on ours after discovered that they had prepped the bigger areas plus the new paint had reacted with the original and crazed it :|